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Food Science
2001 Issue 3
Study on Quality Improvement and Biomechanism ofEPSH for Processing Broken Black Tea
mao qing li ; wang xing fei ; han ya shan
Experimental Study on Rheological Charactristics of Minced Food Material
li hua bei ; zhao jie wen
Study on Assay and Browning Inhibitory Control of Polyphenol Oxidase Activities of Sweet Potato
jiang shao tong ; luo zhi gang ; pan li jun
Study on the Function oflsoflavones in Different Oxidation System
sun ke jie ; tang jian
Studies on the Metabolism and Regulation ofxanthan gum by Xanthomonas campostris-9902
li bai lin ; hu de liang ; chen you rong ; qi feng lan ; xu ming quan
Study on Inhibition of Tissue Softening of Fermented Pepper
zhong min ; ning zheng xiang
Study on Optimun Parameters in Processing Zein coating
lu xiao xiang ; tang jin zhong ; liu jian hong
Study on Synergistic Gelation of Xanthan Gum and Konjac Gum
yang xin ting ; wang lin feng ; wang xiang dong
Study on Extraction Technology of Flavonoid from Pomelo Peel
yang yang ; yu lian ; tang yu zuo
Effect of pectinase ROHAPECT D5S on Extracting and clarifying of kiwifruit Juice
liu dong hong ; zeng chao ; wang yan bin ; ye xing qian
Intensified Extraction of Pectin from Orange Peel in an Electromagnetis Fiebl of Super-high Frequency
xiao kai jun ; chen jian ; li qiao ling ; li lin ; ruan tian en
Study on Extraction Technology of Soybean Isoflavones
zhu shi fang ; wang shan li ; wei dong zhi ; yang zuo zhong
Study on Analysis of Nutrients and Comprehensive Utilization of Mioga Ginger
gao xue ling ; yue peng xiang
Study on Preserved Fruit Foods Series of Sechium Edule
dai yun ; dong xue chang
Development Study on Saccharomyces and Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermented Composite Yogurt
liu wen zong ; ma xian cai ; yu jun ; xiong wan bin ; zhang yu qin ; zhang yang jun
Study on Sterilizing Technology of the Bottled Rice-Wing
lu zhou min ; bai wei dong
Study on the Optimun pH Value in the Addition of Alkali in Laojiao Dough
mao yu yang ; zhu zai qin ; ji you hua ; zhang wen tao ; xu chuan jun
Antinutritional Factors in Plant Proteins
wang ; yang xiao quan ; zhang shui hua
Study on Sensory-GC Analysis of Sweet Orange Species
sun ai dong ; ge yi qiang ; yan hong ; cai tong yi
Volatile Compounds in Peel Oil of Sudachi
Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Armoracia Lapathifolia Gilib. Grown in China
lin xu hui ; li rong ; jiang zi tao
Studies on the Preservation of Litchi Juice
wu jin zhu ; huang wei ; lai yan ping ; lan hao yu ; guo chuan hui
Preliminary study on Postharvest Preservation of Mango and Temato With Salicylic Acid
rong rui fen ; zuo shi sheng ; feng shuang qing
A Study on Antimicrobial Activity and Functional Ingredients of Olive
yuan jian gang ; liu zuo ; tang zhan qiu
Quantitative Analysis of Protein, Amino Acids and Inorganic Elements in North East Water Chestunt
niu feng lan ; li chen xu ; dong wei yan ; zou ming qiang ; li xi wen