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Academic Forum of Nandu
2001 Issue 6
Several Noticeable Aspects of Selecting Young Table Tennis Players
lei bo ; yu qing chuan ; hao sen
The Existence of Compound Function's Limitation
guo ming pu
The Educating Function of the Scientific Process
yang xing qiang ; huang zhi cheng
Annotation on Some Questions of Newton Mechanics Completeness
xiao shao wu ; li chuan pu
Teaehing Reform on Analytical chemistry for Chemical Engineering Subject
li de liang ; liu xiu hua ; dong xue zhi ; qu jian ying
Experimental Research of Support-jump Teaching
gong hua kui
How to Evaluate the Students' Mathematical Ability
guo hong lin
The Training of the Juvenile Sprinters' Relaxation Ability
wang ming xian ; gao guo yin
Callus Induction and Root Differentiation from the Hypocotyl of Capsicum annuun L.
yang jian wei ; li ming jun ; wang hong wei
Research on the Preservation of Wild Vertebrates in the Reservoir Area of the Three Gorges(in Hubei Province)
wang xiao li ; liang zi an ; wang qing lin ; yang qi ren
Comparative Study on Anther Culture of Three Wild Oryza Species
zhang nai qun ; wang hong wei ; zhu li li ; he guang cun
A Recycle of Waste Alkaline Water and Waste Acidic Water in Heat and Power Plant
yang ya li ; di guang xiao ; feng xin ping
The Color and Conjugation π→π* Transition of Organic Compound
chang xiang ling
Voltammetric Behavior of Vitamin B2
chen xin ; bao xiao yu
An Inequality Concerning Function's Mean and its Application
jiang tian quan
On an Identity
liu lin lin
Combining VF and Excel to Generate Complex Sheet
wang xing ; cheng ( wang zheng )
On E-Mail Using Technique
wang yue hua
Study on Spectrum of Aduterating Copper of Porous Silion
xue qing
Optic Polarization in Single-mode Fiberoptic
heng bo jun
Optical Solition and Optical Solition in Fiber Communication
wang run xuan ; li zong hong
Analysis on the External Factors Influenced on System's Front Terminals' Transmission Quality
sun ruo ke ; yin jian guo ; zhang yu song
Synthesis of 1 - p - Anisoyl - 4 - (o - Nitrobenzoyl) - thiosemicarbazide and its Complexation with Metal Ions
yao xing zhi ; liu wen min ; xing wen ru ; yang hao ; wang lin ; sun ru zhong
The Study on Dehydration in Synthesizing Trimethoprim(TMP)from Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde
wang lin ; xing wen ru ; yao xing zhi ; yang hao ; chen wen tao
How to Carry out Environmental Protecting Education in Chemistry Teaching
li shao dong ; chen chong gao
A Study on Soil in Jigong Mountain
du yu
A Preliminary Study On the Exploitation of Industry Tourism
zuo hong mo ; cao xin xiang
Ribosome-inactivating Protein and Research Progress
wei ming hui ; li ying ; liu zheng
The Analysis of Mushroom-cultivation with Crushed-wood Material in Spring in Nanyang
xia min ; zhang guang zuo ; yu ming yu
Recount the Sourecs of Systematic Thought in Medical Science
zhao jian wan