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Aerospace Control
1992 Issue 3
Re-entry Guidance with Variable structure for Maneuverable Vehicle
Zhan HongBeijing Institute of Control and Electronic Technology
Optical Measurement Algorithm of Position & Attitude for Spacecraft
Huang Yuming Zhou Shian Wang Lixin Fan Ruying Wu HongxinBeijing Institute of Control Engineering
The Design of attitude control system for large maneuvering aircrafts
Yao Yu Wang ZicaiHarbin Institute of Technology
Using fast fourier transform to identify the frequency responses of digital networks
Dong WeisanBeijing aerospace automatic control institude
Multisensor Information Fusion for Space Robots
Huang Yuming Li GentianBeijing Institute of Control Engineering
Real time control calculation of differential algebrdic problems
FeijingGaoBeijing computer application and simulation technigue Institute
Effects of Turn Table Errors on the Hardware In-the-Loop Simulations of Spinning Missiles
Meng daikui Jiang Lan fang Li YongxinBeijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering
The Hardware-in-the-loop Simnlation Experiments of the Solid Rocket Attitude Control Systems by YH-F1
Chen YuexlanBeijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute
Raising relay quality by the monitoring method
Ji LonggenBeijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute
ji dian qi chao xing cheng de shi bo qi jian cha fa
lv zhi gong ;
hui yi jian xun
xu geng bao ;