Stern Warning of Intellectual Property Infringement
October 21, 2014

The publisher of People's Daily Database issued a stern warning of intellectual property infringement on October 17, 2014.

The warning states that the publisher owns the copyright of the electronic contents of People’s Daily’s current issues and its archives. It is illegal for any vendors to make false claims. Legitimate subscription of People’s Daily’s archives and current issues, in the  entirety or any portion, must be authorized by the publisher through its exclusive distributor, Oriprobe Information Services.

Unlawful and unauthorized access of People’s Daily violates the publisher’s intellectual property and damages the publisher.

As this unlawful and unauthorized access of People’s Daily violates local and international intellectual property laws, the publisher asks that overseas institutions with unauthorized access take immediate and aggressive action to prevent continued access of People’s Daily in any format, including Intranet, Internet, CD Roms and hard drives.

The publisher reserves the right to take legal action against any infringement activity.

People's Daily - Renmin Ribao (1946 - Present)

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