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Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
2010 Issue 6
Review of Mao Zedong\'s Thought of Agricultural Modernization
CHENG Xiaoli;CHEN Yiyuan
On the Brand Building of Tourist Attractions in "Pan Chang-Zhu-Tan" Area
YAN YongHong;LIU Yanhua;ZHU Xiaohua
Difficult Economic Context of TRIPs Agreement Amendment
XIONG Jianjun
The Problems and Countermeasures of Cultivating Reserve Football Talents
YUE Zhengwen;SHEN Yuansheng
On the Translation Writing of Moment in Peking and Its Gains and Losses
XIAO Bairong;ZHANG Kaihui
Personnel Training Model of the Social Sports Major in HUT
WANG Endong
A Comparison of Social Idealities of Mao Ze-dong and Kang You-wei
XIA Tingting;DU Juhui
Promoting the Amendment of Chinese Pinyin Scientificlly
PENG Zerun
Target Management and Performance Appraisal
The Application of Figures in Advertising
NING Limei