Establishing a national park category system in China
ZHOU Rui;ZHONG Linsheng;LIU Jiaming;TANG Chengcai;SUN Leigang;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of History and Tourism Culture;Inner Mongolia University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Tourism Management;Beijing International Studies University;Hebei Province Institute of Geographic Sciences;
Study on US wetland protection institution change
CHEN Xi;Magdeline LABA;Robertson MORGAN;Barbara COSENS;WANG Ziyan;CHEN Xue;James ANDERSON;Marinus OTTE;Christopher CRAFT;David FELDMAN;LI Yangfan;LIU Jinglan;Patrick SULLIVAN;LV Xianguo;School of Humanity and Social Sciences;Dalian Univ. of Technology;Department of Natural Resources;Cornell University;Department of Geography;University of Wisconsin;College of Law;University of Idaho;School of Management;Shenzhen University;Environmental Research Center;West Virginia University;Department of Biological Sciences;North Dakota State University;School of Public and Environmental Affairs;Indiana University;Department of Planning;University of California;College of the Environment and Ecology;Xiamen University;School of Nature Conservation;Beijing Forestry University;Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology;China Academy of Sciences;