Ecological function zoning of the Capital Eco-sphere
LU Chunxia;LI Yiqiu;Min Qingwen;ZHANG Biao;LI Na;SUN Yanzhi;ZHANG Jing;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Ecological Security and Protection Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province;Mianyang Normal University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Impact of celebrity endorsement on tourists’ attitude and behavior
LIU Li;CHEN Hao;WEI Ying;Department of Tourism;Hefei University;Research Center of Cultural & Socioeconomic Development of the Ring of Chaohu Lake;Hefei University;College of Economics & Management;Anhui Agricultural University;Multi-Lab Quartz & Ceramic Technology;
Review of Japanese hot spring research and implications for China
HAN Guosheng;HUANG Yuewen;XU Weizheng;LI Hui;School of Philosophy and Social Development;Shandong University;School of Business Studies;Shandong University at Weihai;School of Management;Shih Hsin University;Department of Tourism and Hospitality;China University of Science and Technology;School of Economic Management;Harbin Institute of Technology;