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Journal of Chinese Information Processing
2009 Issue 6
Spam Filter Based on Term Co-Occurrence Model
zhang yan ping ; shi ke ; xu qing peng ; xie fei
Uyghur Noun Inflectional Suffix DFA Generation
zao ke re ka de er ; ai shan wu mai er ; tu er gen yi bu la yin ; ai si ka er ai mu du la
di shi er jie ji qi fan yi feng hui he nist2009 ji qi fan yi ping ce yan tao hui jian jie
mi hai tao ; zhao hong mei ; liu qun
A Comparative Study on Three Approaches to the Mongolian Language Model Based on Trigger Pairs
liu zhi wen ; hou hong xu ; li sha ru la ; liu lin
Dependency Informed Chinese-to-Mongolian Translation Model with Morphological Information
luo kai ; li zuo ; wu da ba la ; yang pan ; zhu hai
Post-Processing Approach for Printed Chinese Character Recognition
zhang hong tao ; long li ; zhu xiao yan ; sun jun
A Method of Lexical Domain Analysis Based on Usage Discrepancy
li su jian ; song tao ; gao jie ; zuo peng yue ; li wen jie
The Research on Hierarchical Decoding for Pinyin-to-Character Conversion
zhang shun chang ; sun le
The Derivative Domain Codes of Pitch Curse and Applications
wang lei ; liu jia
acl-ijcnlp 2009 ping shu
wang hai feng
The Model of Event Relation Representation
zhong zhao man ; liu zong tian ; zhou wen ; fu jian feng
A Hybrid Strategy for High Precision Long Term Extraction
liang ying hong ; zhang wen jing ; zhou de fu
Advancement of the Automatic Metaphor Processing
jia yu xiang ; yu shi zuo ; zhu xue feng
The Research on Syntactic Features in Semantic Role Labeling
li jun hui ; wang hong ling ; zhou guo dong ; zhu qiao ming ; qian pei de
Chinese Semantic Role Labeling Based on Lexical Semantic Features
shao yan qiu ; sui zhi fang ; wu yun fang