gao deng zhi wu zhong tie de dai xie ji zhi
LIU Shi-Ping~1;2;ZHENG Lu-Qing~2;TIAN Wei~1;XUE Yan-Hong~1;2;SHOU Hui-Xia~2;* 1College of Chemistry and Life Science;Three Gorges University;Yichang;Hubei 443002;China;2State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry;College of Life Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China
zhi wu xi bao bi song chi yin zi
ZHAO Yun-Jun;LI Lai-Geng* Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology;Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology;Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200032;China