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Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
2003 Issue 2
Cloning of Wheat High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit 5 Gene and Construction of Its Expression Vector
CHEN Xin-jian;LU De-Bing;CHEN Jun-Ying;CHEN Zhan-Kuan;CHENG Xi-yong
Biological Characters of Root Border Cell Development in Barley
ma bo jun ; pan jian wei ; gu qing ; zheng ke ; ye dan ; hua jing ; zhu mu yuan
Phenotypes of Transgenic Tomato with Antisense LeETR2
YING Tie-Jin;YANG Hu-qing;XIANG Qing-Ning;DU Rong-Mao
Structural Analysis and Expression of HbMyb1 Gene Associated with Tapping Panel Dryness of Hevea brasiliensis
peng shi qing ; fu xiang hui ; wu kun zuo ; chen shou cai
The Role of Active Oxygen in Chilling-Induced Ethylene Production in Etiolated Mungbean Seedlings
ke de sen ; sun gu chou ; wang ai guo ;dong liang-feng
Relationship Between Color Formation and Change in Composition of Carotenoids in Peel of Citrus Fruit
tao jun ; zhang shang long ; zhang liang cheng ; an xin min ; liu chun rong
Organic Acid Secretion from Roots in the Al-Tolerant and Al-Sensitive Maize Inbred Lines
li de hua ; he li yuan ; liu wu ding
Decline of Photosynthetic Function and Its Relation with Active Oxygen in a Rice Mutant with Low Chlorophyll b Content
zhang rong xi ; xu xiao ming ; dai xin bin ; lu wei ; cao shu qing
Changes in Free Ca2+ Distribution in Pollen Cell After Self- and Cross-Pollination in Pyrus serotina Rehd.
xu guo hua ; zhang shao ling ; zhang chao ying ; chen di xin