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Acta Agronomica Sinica
2001 Issue 6
Studies on the Root Activities in Different Layers of Soil of High-yielding Whe at at the Late Growth Period
wang fa hong ; wang xu qing ; li song jian ; bian mai ling ; yu zhen wen ; yu song lie
Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Plant Height and the Relation between these QTL and QTL for Yield Traits in Rice
fan ye yang ; zhuang jie yun ; li qiang ;sala francisco; zheng kang le
Effects of Ecological Factors on Maize (Zea mays L.)Yield of Different Vari eties and Corresponding Regulative Measure
zheng hong jian ; dong shu ting ; wang kong jun ; guo yu qiu ; hu chang hao ; zhang ji wang
Effects of Aluminum on Respiratory Rate and Some Mitochondrial Enzymes Activit ies of Wheat Roots
he long fei ; liu you liang ; shen zhen guo ; wang ai qin
Genetic Studies on Restoring Genes of Early Rice Restorer Lines
xu jian hong ; xue qing zhong
Analysis of the Patterns of Displayed cDNA of Uninucleate Stage Anthers of WA-C MS System Using RRM Specific Primer
jing run chun ; yi ping ; sun qing ping ; zhu ying guo
Identification of CO39 Near-Isogenic Lines for Rice Blast
he yue qiu ; tang wen hua ;hei leung;robert s.zeigler
Gene Flow from Cultivated Herbicide-resistant Foxtail Millet to its Wild Relati ves: a Basis for Risk Assessment of the Release of Transgenic Millet
wang tian yu ; zhao zhi hai ; zuo hong bo ; li yu ; zhu xue hai ; shi yun su ; song yan chun ; ma zhi ying ;h.darmency
Study on the Gene Transferring of Nib8 into Wheat for It′s Resistance to th e Yellow Mosaic Virus by Bombardment
xu hui jun ; pang jun lan ; ye xing guo ; du li zuo ; li lian cheng ; xin zhi yong ; ma you zhi ; chen jian ping ; chen jiong ; cheng shun he ; wu hong ya
A System of Ovule Subculture for Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber Develo pment
yang you ming ; xu chu nian ; jia jun zhen
Model Bias and Its Prevention in Regression Analysis
mo hui dong
Identification of a Wheat Line YW243 Resistant to Powdery Mildew and Genetic Ana lysis
xie zuo ; chen xiao ; sheng bao qin ; xin zhi yong ; kong fan jing ; lin zhi shan ; ma you zhi
Development of SCAR Markers to Authenticate the Hybrid Seed Lots of Shuza No.6( Brassica napus L.)
gan zuo ; zeng fan ya ; zhao yun ; wang mao lin
Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Ipomoea batatas and Re generation of Transgenic Plants
gao feng ; gong yi fu ; lin zhong ping ; wang xiao jia
Methane Emission from Irrigated Rice Fields and Its Control
wang zeng yuan ; xu yu chang ; li zhen ; guo yi xian ;r wassmann;h u neue;r s lan tin;l v buendia
Study on Rice Cluster Architecture and Radiation Transfer
shen guang rong ; wang ren chao ; li yun mei ; wang xiu zhen ; shen zhang quan
Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Ionic Distribution of Salt-born Glycine soja
zuo bing jun ; luo qing yun ; liu you liang
Morphological and Molecular Tagging of Lint Percent QTLs in Upland Cotton
yi cheng xin ; zhang tian zhen ; guo wang zhen
The Precision of Segregating Analysis of Quantitative Trait and Its Improving Me thods
zhang yuan ming ; gai jun zuo ; qi cun kou
Test on Criteria of Evaluating Salt Tolerance of Cotton Cultivars
sun xiao fang ; liu you liang
Genetic Studies on Grain Plumpness of Indica-Japonica Hybrids by Two-Line Method
chen guang hui ; guan chun yun ; chen li yun ; kang chun lin
The Experimental Study on the Impact of Atmospheric O3 Variation on Rice
guo jian ping ; wang chun yi ; wen min ; bai yue ming ; huo zhi guo
Studies on Phenotypic Diversity of Rice Germplasm in Yunnan, China
li zi chao ; zhang hong liang ; zeng ya wen ; shen shi quan ; sun chuan qing ; wang xiang kun
A New Method for the Identifying Primary Trisomics of Rice
chen hong ; qin rui zhen
Effect of N-fertilizer Ievels on Photosynthetic Rate and RuBP Carboxylase Activ ity in Flag Leaves of Hybrid Rice Shanyou 63
wang ren lei ; li xia ; chen guo xiang ; hua chun ; wei jin cheng
Studies on Resistance Gene Expression by IPT Inducing under Low-temperature Str ess in Root of Rice Seedling
ding xiu ying ; zhang jun ; cui xia ; su bao lin
Effect of Nickel at High Concentrations on Growth and Activities of Enzymes of R ice Seedlings
wang hai hua ; kang jian ; zeng fu hua ; jiang ming yi
Analysis of the Genetic Evolution of Gliadin Composition in the Major Wheat Cult ivars Grown in North China
lang ming lin ; lu shao yuan ; zhang rong zhi
Vertical Distribution and Its Change of Root Quantity & Activity of Crops in th e "Winter Wheat‖Early Spring Maize/Summer Maize” Cropping System Ⅱ.The Vertical Distribution and Its Changes of Root Quantity & Activity of the Early Spring Inter-Plant
zhao bing qiang ; zhang fu suo ; li zeng jia ; li feng chao ; zhang xin chun ; shen jia xiang ; pan hai jun ; zhao jia mei ; yin yu bo ; wu chuan jie
Apical-grain Superiority in Hybrid Rice
wang zuo ; tao long xing ; xu ren sheng ; tian shu lan
Analyses of Combining Ability and Heterotic Patterns of Quality Protein Maize In breeds
fan xing ming ; tan jing ; huang bi hua ; liu feng
Genetic Evaluation of Seven Substitution Lines in Upland Cotton
ren li hua ; zhang tian zhen
The Effects of Low Potassium Stress on the Photosynthetic Function of Rice Leav es and Their Genotypic Difference
liu jian xiang ; yang xiao e ; wu liang huan ; yang yu ai
A Preliminary Study on Female Sterility in Wheat
zuo bing de ; zhang xin ling ; ma lin ; feng de jiang ; sun qi xin
Effects of BA and GA on Grain Weight at Different Position of Winter Wheat
li xiu ju ; zhi ming xing ; wei xiu ying