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Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College
2001 Issue 3
xue ren feng cai
Consideration of Computer-Assisted the Physics Teaching
SU Deng-xian
Development of Studies on Gingko
Introduction of the Nano Materials
LUO Jia-gang
Explanation to the Directing Effect of Chloromethyl
YANG Yong-jun
Another Means to Prove the Carnot Law
XU Yun
Synthesis of 5-ethyl-2,3-dimethyl-phrazine
ZHANG Cheng-zhi;WANG Lei;XU Yun;SANG Zheng-lin;LUO Jia-gang
Drawing Light of Refraction on the Principle of Huyghens
WU De-lan;LI Mao-qiong
Correcting of Method-Error of Direct Current Instrument
FU Zai-qi
Rotational Equations of the Plane Parallel Motion for the Rigid Body
LI Qing-yu;SHAN Yu-qiong
The Energy Differentiation Criteria of the Equilibrium Stability of Disperation System
HONG Wen-jun;Qin MENG;NI Yong-qing
Simple Method for Factorization of Binary Quadratic Forms
ZHAI Si-qiong
The Environment Systems of Systems
HU Qing-ping;HU Zhi-gang;LI Dan
Higher-Order Exclusive-Or and Its Application
Wu Wen-liang