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Noise and Vibration Control
2013 Issue z1
A Great Master-Dah-you Maa
CHENGMing-kun;,XU Xin;
Review and Prospect of Chinese Noise Control for Forty Years
FANG Dan-qun;,LV Yu-heng;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHU Yi-dan;
The Concept, Building and Development of Noise Control Engineering-Introduce the book of (Noise control Engineering)
FANGDan-qun;,LUWei-jian;,SUNJia-qi;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHUYi-dan;
The Design and Measurements of Noise & Vibration Control for Jinan Cultural and Artistic Center of Provincial Capital
FENG Bo;,GAO Jin-hua;,JI Ya-fang;,SHAO Bin;,SU Hong-bing;
Research on the Sound Absorption of Proscenium Arch of a Theatre
Design and Application of Acoustic Reflecting Cover for Theatre
YU Bin;,ZHANGKui-sheng;
Further Study of Architectural Factors Affecting Theater Loudness
CHEN Gang;,GAI Lei;,SHI Hong-rong;
Building Acoustic Environment
Biological Environmental Acoustics on the Investigations for Birds Sing with Road Traffic Noise
YAN Hao;,YANG Le;,YE Xu-hong;,ZHANG Ji-ping;,ZHOU Xi-lu;,ZHU Shen-ghui;
Biological Environmental Acoustics on the Investigations for Birds Sing with Road Traffic Noise
YAN Hao;,YANG Le;,YE Xuhong;,ZHANG Jiping;,ZHOU Xilu;,ZHU Shenghui;
Experimental Study on the Influence of Temperature Gradient on Outdoor Noise Propagation
HU Wen-cheng;,JIANG Cong-shuang;,WU Rui;
The Alculate Method of Bus Stop Noise by Microscopic Traffic Simulation
A Site Measurement Case Study on the Small-amplitude Vibration Eia of Highway Bridge/viaduct Traffic
SHENSai-yan;,ZHANG Xin;,ZHANGJi-ping;,ZHANGWei-die;
Test and Analysis for High-speed Rail Noise Effect on Settlement
CHENG Peng;,WUJian-chun;,ZHUZi-gen;
Research on Configuration Law and Conversion of Noise in Metro Tunnel
GONG Xiao-nan;,YE Qi-jun;,YU Jun;
Survey on Acoustic Environment of Huge Tobacco Workshop
SONG Yong-min;,ZHANG Kui-sheng;
Decoupling Design for the Transverse Powertrain Mounting System Based on the Torque Roll Axis
GUO Rong;,MI Yi;,YU Qin-in;,ZHANG Tong;
The Effects of Different Forms of Damping on the Vibration and Sound Radiation Characteristics of the Wheel
Analysis on Vibration and Sound Radiation Characteristics of Sprayed Damping Wheel
HAN Jian;,JIN Xue-song;,LIMu-xiao;,SHEN Huo-ming;,WANGRui-qian;,WENZe-feng;
Influence of the Damping Thickness on the Vibration and Sound Radiation of a Spraying Damped Wheel
JINXue-song;,WANGRui-qian;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHAO Yue;,ZHOU Xin;
Experimental Study on Vibration and Noise Reduction of Damping-sprayed Aluminum Profile Applied to High-speed Train
JINXue-song;,LIU Jia;,WANGRui-qiang;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;
An Experimental Study on the Interior Noise of a Low-floor Vehicle and the Transfer Path of the Vibration
GUO Tao;,JINXue-song;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHANG Jie;,ZHANGYu-mei;
An Experimental Study on Interior Noise Source Identification of 100%Low-floor Railway Train
JIN Xue-song;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHANG Chun-yan;,ZHANG Jie;,ZHANG Yu-mei;
Study on the Influence of Wheel Structure on the Bogie Area Noise
JINXue-song;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHAO Yue;,ZHOU Xin;
Out-of-roundness of the High-speed Wheel Surface and Its Influence on Interior Vibration and Noise
HANGuan-gxu;,JINXues-ong;,WENZe-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHANG Jie;
Experimental Research of Material Damping Performance of High-speed Train at Low Temperature
JIN Xue-song;,LIU Jia;,MA Meng-lin;,XIAO Xin-biao;,ZHANG Yu-mei;
Contrastive Study of the High-speech Railway Noise Radiation Levels with the Speed of 300 km/h
HUXiao-hu;,LU Li;,WU Rui;,ZHOUXin;
Sandwich Panels Parameters Investigation of the Sound Transmission Loss Property of High Speed Train’S Interior Floor
Rail Fastener Looseness Detection
LIXian-hui;,WANGWen-jiang;,ZHANG Jing;
Investigate Pulse Noise In J6-III Simulative Cookpit
CHEN Xiao-qin;,GUOJin-yang;,PAN WEI;,YUWen-bin;,ZHEN Xue-wen;
Application of Integral Correction Method in the Aircraft Noise Certification
Study on the Line Spectra Reduction by Time-delay Feedback Control Method
Multi-resources Data Integration for Noise Mapping
FENG Tao;,LI Nan;,LIU Bin;
Research on Road Traffic Noise Prediction Methods Using BP Neural Network
FENG Tao;,LIU Bin;,WU Xue;,XIAO Wei-min;
Prediction of Noise Reduction Effect with Acoustic Modeling
DDGuo-qing;,HAO Jiao;
Experimental and Numerical Modal Analysis of Power Lightning Conductor on Eigensystem Realization Algorithm Method
LIN Lin;,LIN Qun;,WANG Long-qi;,XIAO Wei-min;,ZHANG Xiao-min;
The Vibration Analysis and Virtual Prototype Simulation of High Pressure Star-type Air Compressor
Vibration Analysis of Piston Compressor Based on Experiment and Virtual Prototyping Simulation
Seismic Reliability Analysis of Lightning Arrester on Simulation Method
JIN Tao;,KANGZhong-xu;,XIAOWei-min;,XUGuo-sheng;,ZHUBin-qin;,ZHUQuan-jun;
Based on Moore Model Calculate Equal-loudness Curve
FENG Tao;,SONG Jun-long;,WU Yao;
Acoustic Parameters Measurement of Acoustic Material Based on Wide Frequency Impulse Method
HOU Hong;,SUN Liang;,WANGShao-bo;
Realization of Air Borne Sound Pressure Unit Using Ldv Spectral Analyzing and Autocorrelation Technique
HELong-biao;,NIU Feng;,XU Huan;,ZHONG Bo;
Design and Application of the Human Vibration Measuring Instrument
Self-adaption System of Volume Research
CHENXiao-qin;,GAO Xin;,GUOJin-yang;,PAN Wei;,YUWen-bin;,ZHENXue-wen;,ZOUHui-juan;
Method on Time Delay Estimation of Car Honk Localization
Emotion Recognition under Sound Stimuli Based on BP Neural Network and EEG
Experimental Modal Analysis of Semi-pantograph Disconnector on Stochastic Subspace Identification Method
GONGLie-qian;,LI Chu;,LIU Bin;,WUYu-bin;,XIAOWei-min;
Dynamic Response Analysis of Semi-pantograph Disconnector under the Strong Wind Action
CHENXian-hui;,GONGLie-qian;,KONG Fan-long;,LEI Huan;,XIAO Wei-min;
Seismic Reliability Analysis of Semi-pantograph Disconnector
JIN Tao;,WANGShi-qiang;,XIAOWei-min;,XUGuo-sheng;,ZHUBin-qin;,ZHUQuan-jun;
Fan Duct Mode Identification Theory of Turbofan Engine
LIDan-wang;,XIA Ye;,XUEXu-rui;,YINGJi-yong;
Structure Vibration Noise Radiation Model Research Based on the Experimental Modal
FENG Tao;,LIU Bin;,SU Bin;,ZHAN Fu-liang;,ZHU Qiang;
Noise Control of Gas Power Plants
DENG Yong;,GONGFeng-hai;
Noise Control Engineering for a Gas Power Plant
JIYa-fang;,SHAO Bin;,SUHong-bing;
Application of Removable Sound Barrier in Noise Control of Transformer Substation
GONGFeng-hai;,HE Gang;,LIUShi-yuan;
Investigation on Noise Control and Ventilation Design of Transformer Room in the Electric Power Industry
SHI Lei;,WANGShi-qiang;,XIAOWei-min;,ZHAOYu-tong;
Study on the Noise Prediction and Control for HVDC Converter Stations
LIZhi-yuan;,RUAN Xue-yun;,WEIHao-zheng;,ZHANG Ming-fa;
Discussion on Noise and Control Technology of the Main Control Room in Nuclear Power Plant
FU Xi;,GONGFeng-hai;,LIUHai-cheng;
The Noise Analysis and Reduction Research on Rotating Equipment
CHEN Qiong;,QIN Hao-ming;,YAN Qun;
Study on Noise Control of Xinyegang Steel Ironworks
CHEN Shuai;,WANG Kuan;,XUE Feng;,ZHOU Ke-cheng;
The Noise Control of the Premixed Concrete Enterprises
FENG Miao-feng;,LV Yu-heng;,WANG Bing;
The Simple Experimental Device for Research on Vibration Propagation in the Soil
HUWen-cheng;,KANGZhong-xu;,LIU Qiang;,WUYu-bin;
The Noise Control of the Equipments in Pump Room
LIURi-hui;,WANG Qi;
The Noise Pollution and Control in Modern Shipyards
FENGMiao-feng;,SHEN Xi;,WANGJi-rong;,WANGTing-fo;
Noise Pollution and Control of Modern Shipyard Air Compression Station
chenMei-qing;,HUANG Qing-qing;,WANGTing-fo;
A business Office Refrigeration and Cooling Tower Noise Control
GAO Nan;,GENGLei-Lei;,PANGXiao-ma;,SUNShi-wei;
The Necessary of Constitute the Request of Noise Protection Technology to Ground Crew
CHEN Xiao-qin;,GUOJin-yang;,PAN Wei;,YUWen-bin;,ZHENG Xue-wen;,ZOUHui-juan;
Large Sound Barrier Outside the Window was Used to Solve the Contradiction Between Restaurants and Residential
FENG Miao-feng;,HUANG Qing-qing;,LV Yu-heng;
Application of Isolation Barrier
FENGMiao-feng;,LVYu-heng;,SHENLi-wen;,WANG Bing;
Effect of Sintering Temperature on Sound Absorption Performance of Porous Glass Material
LUO Lu;,WANGChang-li;,XU Ying;,ZOUWei-ren;
Sound Insulation Mat Parameters Investigation of the Sound Transmission Loss Property of High Speed Train’s Interior Floor
CHEN Li-wen;,HUANG Xue-fei;,LIU Xiao-xia;,YU Jin-peng;,ZHANG Qing-gang;
Property and Structure of Flame Retardancy Microlayered Deadening Membrane
CHEN Zheng;,JIANG Gen-jie;,LI Jiang;,ZHANG Li;
An Study on the Sound Insulation Performance and Noise Reduction Effect of V-type Deloading Noise Barriers
HE Bin;,JINXue-song;,QU Lei;,WEN Ze-feng;,XIAOXin-biao;,ZHOU Qiang;
Optimization of Aluminium Extrusion for Maximum Sound Transmission Loss
OUYANG Shan;,SUIFu-sheng;
The construction technology for the effect of sound insulation performance of the window
CHENYi-dun;,SONGRui-xiang;,ZHANGLi-juan;,ZHENG Yu;
Optimization of Broadband Porous Sound-absorbing Glass
LUO Lu;,WANGChang-li;,XU Ying;,ZOUWei-ren;
Application of Sound Absorption and Noise Reduction Material in Oil Industry
GAO Nan;,GENGLei-lei;,LILinsen;,PANGXiao-ma;
Analysis of Noise Elimination Performance of Diesel Engine Muffler
MA Jin-sheng;,TIAN Tong-ming;
The Numerical Simulation on Acoustic and Resistance Performance of Muffler of Air Compressor
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Verification of Micro Muffler
FENGyang-wei;,LIBin-shang;,LIzhi-yuan;,WANG Jin;,WU Chen;
Comparison of Building Attenuation Between ISO 9613 and ASJ 2008
HUWen-cheng;,JIANGCong-shuang;,WU Rui;,YANG Jie;
Comparison and Analysis Between Rw & STC
The Discussion for Environmental Vibration Standards at Home and Abroad
FANG Dan-qun;,HU Wen-cheng;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHANG Li-juan;
Discussion on Construction of Noise and Vibration Pollution Prevention and Control Standards System for Urban Rail Transit
FANGDan-qun;,HUWen-cheng;,SONGRui-xiang;,WANGShi-qiang;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHANGLi-juan;
The Research on Perlite Acoustic Board Construction Standard Design
CUI Shen;,LIYue-qing;,WANGDe-zhi;
Views on Environmental Noise and Vibration for the Revision of Standards
CAO Dan;,FENG Hao;,JIXiao-hong;,WANGShan-ni;,WANGYi-min;,ZHANGHui;
Discussions of Evaluation Criteria on Urban Subway Transportation
HUANG Xin;,LUQing-pu;,XIONGWen-bo;
An Objective Evaluation Method for the Road Traffic Noise Impact on Soundscape-west Lake as a Case
S Paul;,YAN Hao;,YE Xu-hong;,ZHANG Ji-ping;,ZHOU Xi-lu;,ZHU Sheng-hui;
Analysis on Noise Reduction Effect and Investment Benefits of Different Rail Transit Sound Barriers
DI Guo-qing;,SONG Kai;,ZHANG Yan-jun;