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Progress in Natural Science
2002 Issue 7
Particle suspension in sediment-laden flow
NI Jinren
Multiuser detection and independent component analysis-Progress and perspective
JIAO Licheng;Ma Haibo;LIU Fang
Atomic stick-slip friction between commensurate self-assembled monolayers
ZHANG Tao;ZHANG Jing;WANG Hui;HU Yuanzhong
Analysis of expressed sequence tags of a marine red alga,Gracilaria lemaneiformis
SUN Xue;Yang Guanpin;Mao Yunxiang;ZHANG Xuecheng;Sui Zhenghong;QIN Song
Zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronological constraints on Cretaceous thermal extension of Dabieshan orogen
ZHOU Zuyi;Peter W.REINERS;Xu Changhai;Liao Zongting;YANG Fengli
A Voronoi-based spatial algebra for spatial relations
LI Zhilin;ZHAO Renliang;CHEN Jun
Robust stabilization of multilinear interval plants
Wang Zhizhen;WANG Long;Yu Wensheng
Sequences and polymorphisms of exons 3 and 4 in porcine UCP2 gene
FANG Meiying;LIU Chousheng;ZHAO Xingbo;LI Ning;WU Changxin
Effects of metal ions and heat shock on the expression of a metallothionein-like gene htMT2 in Helianthus tuberosus
CHANG Tuanjie;CHEN Lei;CHEN Wanxin;LU Zixian;CHEN Songbiao;ZHU Zhen
Identification and expression of a gfpK79R mutant of green fluorescent protein
Zhou Junchu;SHI Qiaojuan;Ma Lixin;XIE Bo