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Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society
2001 Issue 2
News Brief
Studies of Capillary Connection Technology with KYKY- QP 1000AGC/MS
gao tian rong ; li jing tian ; liu jian hong ; wei xiao kui
Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Drilled Magnetic Field
du ying ge ; bao cheng yu ; wang de wu
Study on Mass Spectrometry of A New Calcium Antagonist Nimodipine
yu zhi li ; hu lai xing ; hu qiong ying ; wang zhan guo ; yang xi wen ; cao ting fu ; zhou feng zhen
The Affect of Different Structure Factor in the Aromatic Compound for Rclafferty Recomposition was Discussed
fan guo liang ; kang kai ; yan ying ; zhou wei yi ; sui jing ; jiang dong feng
Theoria Study on the Mass Spectrum of Propanol
liang yu ; mao yan mei ; zhong kai ; yan da yu ; liang ze bin
Problems and Solutions in Measuring U and The of Uranium Series Dating Technique by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
he xue xian ; liu dun yi ; peng zi cheng ; liu wei guo
Studies on the Behavior and Mechanisms of Ivermectin in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
wu zeng ru ; zhu li li ; luo hong peng ; xu zuo jie