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Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
2009 Issue 2
Eco-capitalization: The Realization of the Value of Ecological Resources
YAN Li-dong;TAN Bo;LIU Jia-lin
Credit Default Swap and Credit Risk Dispersion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
ZHENG Jun;BA Shu-song;XU Xiao-le
Review of Farmer Formal Credit Study
Review of the Uncertainty of Inflation
SU Zhi-fang
Internationalization and Modernization of Higher Education
ZHU Dong-sheng
0n the Choice of Target Market of a New and Small Retailer
PU Xu-jin;LING Liu-yi
Spatial Economic Growth Model Based on the Factor Suitability Degree
HAO Shou-yi;HAO Da-jiang
Review of Audit Committee's Responsibilities and Governance Efficiency
ZHOU Lan;ZHU Cui-hua;ZHU Li