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Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization
2005 Issue 4
WITOL are entering into maintenance machinery industry
lin rong an
Research on internal leakage for axial plunger pump
ZHANG Chun-yang
Analysis of ecological environment about freeway construction on tropic forest region
HUANG Bao-tao;ZHOU Jie;ZHAO Qing-juan;YANG Guang-you;LI Guo-feng
Construction methods of special subgrade for expressway
XIAO Xue-ying;LI Li-min
Research on the relative density test of eolian-sand
WANG Yi-gui;LI Shi-fang
Protection of vegetated stabilized sand in desert area
LI Ai-guo;YANG Hai-feng
Application of the technology of concrete pavement rubblization with asphalt overlay
MA Jian-qing;GUO Yi-fei;LU Xin-min;LU Wei-min
DYNAPAC roller
zhu hai yan
Analysis of in-place recycling process of asphalt mixture
REN Yi-jun;LIU Xiao-ting
Design of hydraulic system for paver
YU Huai-san
Research on mechanical equipment group of asphalt pavement construction in western area (4)
GUO Xiao-hong;LIU Tang-zhi;YIN rui;KONG Qing-hua
Causation of material segregation in hot-mix asphalt pavement and the countermeasures
ZHANG Chun-yan;ZHANG Chang-bo;ZHU Wei-min
Calculation of wind pressure for asphalt mixing plant
XIE Li-yang;DANG Sen-ji
Development of modern compaction technology
wu yong ping