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Journal of Hangzhou University of commerce
2002 Issue 1
ben kan zhong yao qi shi
jiu yu su zuo ci zuo de hao fang bu ju
chen zuo zuo
Problems on the limitation of the intercrime as to contractual fraud
Zhao Dali;Gao Dawei
wang luo chuan shu zhong de zhu zuo quan bao hu
peng xue mei
guan yu fu qi fa ding cai chan zhi de li fa si kao
wang di bo
wang shang yin xing fa zhan de fa lv si kao
hu kui ; zhang li
Comments on the legal orientation of partnership personality
wang gong wen ; li zuo
Thoughts about cases trying system reform disputes of enterprises
Tong Zhaohong;Fan Qiqi
nong cun fa zhi : zhong guo fa zhi de " ping jing "
lin dong ; zhang yi xia
Comments on judicial justice and efficiency
Wang Hui
The permanent charm of image of Granny Liu
Feng Jie
zhong cai jian yi cheng xu shi yong tan tao
shu yao zhi
Thoughts about witness of police before court
Wu Jiexiang