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Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
2010 Issue 5
Expression pattern and immunogenicity analysis of Avain infectious bronchitis virus S1 gene in Pichia pastoris yeast
QI Li-hong;AI Wu;HUANG Bing;LIU Tao;QIN Zhuo-ming;SONG Min-xun
Correlation between ethanol yield and quality traits of sweetpotato
SUN Jian;ZHANG Cui-ying;YUE Rui-xue;LI Hong-min;ZHANG Ai-jun
Effect of dietary small peptides on growth and non-specific immunity of Penaeus vannamei larvae
LIN Qi-cun;FANG Chang-fu;ZHONG Guo-fang;FENG Yan;ZHU Bi-ying
Isolation and RT-PCR identification of a new-type Duck hepatitis virus
MA Xiu-li;ZHAO Li-na;XIA Xue-mei;WU Jing;LIN Shu-qian;JIANG Yi-fei
Changes of quality index of Ma duck during postmortem aging
WANG Dao-ying;LIU Fang;ZHU Yong-zhi;XU Wei-min;LI Chao;CAO Jian-min
Design and implementation of the forest-fire monitor and localization system based on ArcEngine
ZHANG Yu;CONG Jing-hua;SHEN Ming-xia;XU Shui-yan;LIU Long-shen
Analysis between primary chemical components of flue-cured tobacco and their smoking quality in Chongqing Area
YU Jian-jun;YAN Ding;YE Xian-wen;MA Yun-ming;WEI Pan-pan;LIU Qian
Effect of fertilization on photosynthesis and yield of cucumber in whole growth period
DING Xiao-tao;JIN Hai-jun;ZHANG Hong-mei;YU Ji-zhu
Culture of Hu-sheep spermatogonial stem cells in vitro
CHEN Xiao-yu;ZHU Zhi-wei;YU Fu-xian;SONG Xue-mei;PAN Jian-zhi
Effects of environment on grain characters related with malting quality of barley
LU Chao;ZHANG Xin-zhong;JIN Neng;HE Shui-hua;HUANG Zu-liu;XU Ru-gen
Effect of NaCl stress on seed germination of Brassica napus
LIN Bao-gang;ZHANG Yao-feng;YU Hua-sheng;DING Hou-dong;ZHANG Dong-qing
Graphical representation of protein sequence and similarity analysis
QIANG Jing;HE Ping-an
Analysis on the main environmental factors in early rice field under mulching of non-woven fabric and plastic film
ZHANG Yu-ping;ZHU De-feng;ZHOU Bao-yin;MAO Guo-juan;LIN Xian-qing;CHEN Hui-zhe
Suitability evaluation to planting area of Curcuma wenyujin based on GIS
WU Zhi-gang;PAN Yong-di;ZHANG Jian;TAO Zheng-ming;LENG Chun-hong
Analysis of agronomic characters in American BSSS maize populations
QIU Hong-bo;NIU Su-zhen;ZHAO Li-hui;JIANG Wei
The status and trend of the international and domestic barley production technology in 2009-2010
YANG Jian-ming;LIN Feng;SHANG Yi;ZHU Jing-huan;WANG Jun-mei;JIA Qiao-jun;HUA Wei
Progress in plant phenolic compounds
WANG Ling-ping;ZHOU Sheng-mao;DAI Dan-li;CAO Jia-shu
Advances in research and development of phage and phage-encoding lysins
LIU Wei;WANG Xue-qin;DONG Shi-lei;ZHU Li-ying;WANG Xin
Analysis of different electrophoresis and sequence characteristics of RAPD amplification products of loquat
ZHANG Xiao-ying;QIAN Jian-lin;WANG Hua-kun;SONG Chang-nian;ZHANG Yan-ping;FANG Jing-gui
Breeding for variation materials of solanaceous vegetables by space mutation
WANG Shi-heng;ZHENG Ji-rong;ZHANG Ya;CHAI Wei-guo
Identification of AFLP markers linked to TYLCVD-resistance gene in tomato
YAO Jin-xiao;YANG Yue-jian;YE Qing-jing;WANG Rong-qing;RUAN Mei-ying;ZHOU Guo-zhi;YAO Zhu-ping
Symptom of broccoli brown stem disease and identification of its pathogen
WANG Han-rong;WANG Lian-ping;Fang Li;LI Wei-long;SU Ying-jing;Zhao Jian-yang
Effects of high temperature stress on growth and activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of Salvia splendens
FU Qiao-juan;WANG Bing-liang;CHEN Yi;WANG Xiao-yan
Consideration on the development of agricultural informatization in Zhejiang Province
DONG Yue-yong;ZHU Ying;TAO Zhong-liang
Correlation between genetic distance and heterosis based on yield-related molecular markers in indica rice
YAN Song;HUANG Fu-deng;LI Chun-shou;TAO Yue-zhi;ZOU Gui-hua
Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of a novel DREB transcript factor GhDREB2B in cotton
LI Fu-zhen;QIU Xin-mian;LIU Chuan-liang
Comparison of spatial interpolation for soil organic matter of hilly area in Southern China
YU Xiao-mei;LU Xiao-nan;WANG Mei-qin;REN Zhou-qiao;MA Wan-zhu;CHEN Xiao-jia;DENG Xun-fei
Molecular cloning of male sterile gene BnaX.MS1.a in Brassica napus and construction of a vector with MS1 amiRNA
LIU Zhen-lin;KE Li-ping;He Hai-yan;CHEN Jin-qing
Control effect of seed dressing with raxil and bayleton on stripe disease of barley
LIU Meng-dao;ZENG Ya-wen;ZHAO Jia-tao;ZI Shang-yong