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Publication is subject to the Secretary for the Ministry of Education staff as guidance for the country's vocational and technical education public offering comprehensive publication. Wang, deputy director of the former State Education Commission, informed, Zhang Xiaojian, vice minister of Labor, Ministry of Education staff as Secretary, Huang Yao, Ministry of Labour, Employment Training Division, Deputy Director Liu Kang, the former State Board of Education to Vocational Education Secretary, Stephen Liu, the Chinese Vocational Education Society Vice served as president of Meng Guangping publication advisers and other leading comrades. Since founded in 1985, publication adhere to the "pass vocational information, exchange experience in vocational education, promoting vocational education research, to promote vocational education and development" purposes, focusing on science, guidance, and readable, magazine coverage has been 3l provinces throughout the country (cities, districts), is the publication of one of the most influential of the vocational education, vocational education sector generally favored by (Translated by machine.) |