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Journal of Zhejiang Education Institute
2007 Issue 4
C Programming Language Teaching: Practice and Reform
ZHANG Jinxiang
zheng gao jian ze
Cognitive Insight into Lexical Motivation
FANG Zhiqiang
Multilayer Self-assembly Films of Cationic Polyferrocenylsilanes
An Overview of the Distance Higher Education in South Africa
A Study of the Performance of Mercapto Group Modified Diatomite
HU Shubi;ZHANG Yiping
An Unsual 6-Benzylation of 5-Fluorouracils
YOU Jinzong;WANG Yanguang;SHAO Shuang;ZHANG Zhenxue;YAO Qian
A Study of the Interaction Mechanism between Lamivudine and Bovine Serum Albumin
SHAO Shuang;QIAN Huanhuan;SHEN Xiaoyun;XU Xiaoli;WANG Song