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Journal of Zhejiang Police College
2003 Issue 3
On the Tactics to Send Prisoners under Escort by Police
lv shi bin
Research on the Special Physical Strength of Martialists and Their Training Meathods
huang zhen hua ; zhou wei ang ; zuo sun yong
zhou yong kang tong zhi zai zhe jiang kao cha
shen zhi liang
Probing into the AA Check-up System in Basic-level Police Stations
ping hu shi gong an ju ke ti zu
On Analysis of the Traffic Safty on the Taizhou Highway
zhang wei
On the Crimes Involved Drugs and Money-laundering and Countermeasures
liu zuo ; niu yong ; meng pin jia
Rational Thoughts on Public Security Work Keeping Pace with Time
gong zheng rong ; wu yu zhe
Comparative Study on the Systems of Criminal Search
chen xue quan
How to Establish the System of Controlling Drug Crimes
jiang qing ming
Research on some Problems after the "Two-year Campaign of Strike-hard upon serious Crimes”
si da xiao ; cai yang meng ; wang chuan