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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2012 Issue 2
The Definition, Analytical Framework and Improvement of Public Productivity
Hu Shuigen;Sheng Yuzheng;Hu Xu
Government Information Sharing in China: Status, Problems and Solutions
Hu Jianmiao;Gao Zhiming
Quantitative Linguistics: State of the Art, Theories and Methods
Liu Haitao;Huang Wei
The Activation Turn in European Social Policy
ji lie nuo bo nuo li ; jiang xiang ping ; wang jie fu
Two Gilded Ages in the United States and Transformation of Governance
Yahong Zhang;Qiushi Wang
Modern Civil Protection: A New Construction of Security Governance
Yu Xiaofeng;Liao Danzi
xin xi dong tai
Infrastructure, Industrial Agglomeration and Regional Coordination
Jin Xiangrong;Tao Yongliang;Zhu Xiwei