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Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science)
2007 Issue 12
Synthesis and characterizations of inorganic fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles
MA Lin;CHEN Wei-xiang;LI Xiang;ZHENG Yi-Fan
Synthesis of PtNi/C electrocatalysts and their electrocatalytic performance for methanol electrooxidation
YU Gui-yan;CHEN Wei-xiang;ZHAO Jie;XU Zhu-de
xia qi lun wen zhai yao yu deng
Design task decomposition and allocation for inter-firm product collaborative development
HOU Liang;CHEN Feng;WEN Zhi-jia
NS2 based modeling of EPON——structure and performance analysis
YE Lin;GUO Yuan-yuan;WAN Peng;WU Xing-kun
Cross-layer optimization method in ARQ systems with adaptive modulation
LI Yu-ping;YU Guan-ding;ZHAO Zhi-feng;ZHANG Zhao-yang
Mathematical model of coaxiality tolerance based on maximum least material requirements
YANG Jiang-xin;MAO Jian;CAO Yan-long
Study on influence of test methods for determining explosion limits of flammable refrigerants
CHEN Guang-ming;WANG Hai-ying;WANG Qin;ZHANG Rui
Mathematic model of selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 in experiment-scale reactor
YAN Zhi-yong;LUO Zhong-yang;GAO Xiang;CEN Ke-fa
Effects of mercury on qualities of plant
SUN Chun-yan;SHI Xue-gen;WEI You-zhang;YANG Xiao-e;JING Yan-de
Experimental study on influence of multi-stage humidification on semi-dry flue gas desulfurization
GAO Xiang;LIU Hai-jiao;TENG Bin;LUO Zhong-yang;NI Ming-jiang;CEN Ke-fa
Economic analysis on separation of CO2 from coal-fired power plant
FANG Meng-xiang;ZHANG Wei-feng;YAN Shui-ping;LUO Zhong-yang;CEN Ke-fa
Study on noise emission of engine block based on numerical simulation
JIN Yan;HAO Zhi-yong
Experimental research on gas/solid temperature distribution in porous media premixed combustion
LI Heng;CHENG Le-ming;LUO Zhong-yang;CEN Ke-fa
Target detection based on time reversal processing
ZHOU Jie;PAN Xiang;LI Jian-long
Theoretical improvement and experimental design of prism coupler
XIAO Bing-gang;HU Jun
Fast Huffman decoding algorithm for videobased on media processor
NI Xin;WANG Wei-dong;LIU Peng;ZHANG Yi-xiong
GPS bit synchronization based on phase difference
XU Feng;ZHAO Min-jian;SHEN Lei;LI Shi-ju
Transition rules of pollutant elements in a new near zero emission coal utilization system
GUAN Jian;WANG Qin-hui;LUO Zhong-yang;CEN Ke-fa
Experimental research of pipe-distributed MSW fluidized bed incinerator
JIN Yu-qi;LU Wang-lin;CHI Yong;MA Zeng-yi;YAN Jian-hua;CEN Ke-fa
Investigation into looper control system for finishing mill
ZOU Jun;FU Xin;YANG Hua-yong
Data aided timing estimation of CPFSK signals
SHEN Wen-li;ZHANG Yi;ZHAO Min-jian;QIU Pei-liang
Low-complexity deblocking approach based on relationship between neighboring blocks
LUO Xiong-ke;YU Yan-ping;ZHANG Ming
Weight-balancing algorithm for distributed dynamic networks of multi-agent systems
ZHENG Jun;YAN Wen-jun
Fault tolerant real-time scheduling strategy for NC system based on rollback recovery
PAN Xue-zeng;YAO Xin-hua;FU Jian-zhong;CHEN Zi-chen
1-round dynamic group key agreement
LI Xin;ZHANG Peng;YE Cheng-qing
Partition based real-time rendering method for large-area terrain data
SHI Song-xin;YE Xiu-zi;ZHANG San-yuan;ZHANG Yin
Text-to-speech conversion method of dynamic speech alert system for power plant
CHEN Jian-hong;LI Wei;SHENG De-ren;REN Hao-ren
Steganalysis based on principal-component features
LIU Zu-gen;PING Ling-di;SHI Lie;PAN Xue-zeng
Modified fair random early detection queuing algorithm
ping ling zuo ; guo xing bo ; pan xue zeng ; chen xiao feng
Robot SLAM algorithm based on laser range finder for large scale environment
WU Er-yong;XIANG Zhi-yu;SHEN Min-yi;LIU Ji-lin
3D map building for mobile robot under unknown outdoor environments
SUN Yu;XIANG Zhi-yu;LIU Ji-lin
Multiresolution modeling of three-dimensional feature-based CAD models
FANG Cui-hao;YE Xiu-zi;CHEN Zhi-yang;PENG Wei