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Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
2015 Issue 5
Key research on computer aided tolerancing
Yan-long CAO;Luc MATHIEU;Jane JIANG;The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;School of Mechanical Engineering;Zhejiang University;LURPA;ENS Cachan;61 Avenue du Président Wilson;Cachan Cedex;94235;France;EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Advanced Metrology;University of Huddersfield;
Tolerance-Maps for line-profiles constructed from Boolean intersection of T-Map primitives for arc-segments
Yifei HE;Joseph K.DAVIDSON;Jami J.SHAH;Siemens PLM Software;Inc.;2000 Eastman Drive;Milford;Ohio 45150;USA;Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering;Arizona State University;
An iterative statistical tolerance analysis procedure to deal with linearized behavior models
Antoine DUMAS;Jean-Yves DANTAN;Nicolas GAYTON;Thomas BLES;Robin LOEBL;Laboratoire Conception Fabrication Commande;Arts et Métiers Paris Tech Metz;METZ CEDEX 357078;France;Institut Pascal;Clermont Université;IFMA;UMR 6602;BP 10448;Clermont-Ferrand 63000;France;
A statistical method to identify main contributing tolerances in assemblability studies based on convex hull techniques
Philipp ZIEGLER;Sandro WARTZACK;Applied Analysis;University Rostock;Engineering Design KTmfk;FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg;
Effects of geometric and spindle errors on the quality of end turning surface
Jiang-xin YANG;Jia-yan GUAN;Xue-feng YE;Bo LI;Yan-long CAO;Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Zhejiang Province;Zhejiang University;The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;Zhejiang University;
An adaptive design method for understanding tolerance in the precision stamping process
Xun GONG;Yi-xiong FENG;Zi-wu REN;Jin CHENG;Jian-rong TAN;The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;Zhejiang University;Robotics and Micro Systems Center;Soochow University;
A theoretical insight into morphological operations in surface measurement by introducing the slope transform
Shan LOU;Xiang-qian JIANG;Wen-han ZENG;Paul J.SCOTT;EPSRC Innovative Manufacure Research Centre in Advanced Metrology;School of Computing and Engineering;University of Huddersfield;
Effects of index angle on flow ripple of a tandem axial piston pump
Bing XU;Shao-gan YE;Jun-hui ZHANG;The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;Zhejiang University;
A cutterhead energy-saving technique for shield tunneling machines based on load characteristic prediction
Xu YANG;Guo-fang GONG;Hua-yong YANG;Lian-hui JIA;Qun-wei YING;The State Key Lab of Fluid Power Transmission and Control;Zhejiang University;China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co.;Ltd.;Hangzhou Boiler Group Co.;Ltd.;
Information for Authors