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National Medical Journal of China
2008 Issue 20
A comparative study on the properties of trichosanthin before and after site-directed PEGylation
AN Qun-xing;LEI Ying-feng;MU Shi-jie;ZHANG Xian-qing;CHEN Rui;XIA Ai-jun;CHEN Chen;YI Jing;WU Yuan-ru;YU Rui;XU Zhi-kai
di 150 li bi jing - fa li - pa leng - hun mi
xu ming tong ; yan li ; zhang zuo ; zhang shao ling ; li zuo ; zhang li ; cheng zuo
ju da xiong gu zhong liu kuo da qie chu bing zi ti lei gu xiong kuo zhong jian yi li
wang chang xi ; li xiao bing ; ye hai chao
du zhe zuo zhe bian zhe
Application of molecular method in identification of bacterial endophthalmitis
WU Wei;LU Xin-xin;HUANG Yan-fei
Transfection of human β defensin 2 gene into the lung by aerosol inhalation: experiment with rats
LEI Han;QIAN Gui-sheng;WU Guo-ming;HUANG Gui-jun
Expression of Calbindin-D28k in genetic hypercalciuric stone-forming rats kidney and its role in pathogenesis of idiopathic hypercalciuria
WANG Shao-gang;HU Dong-liang;XI Qi-lin;BAI Jian;SU Shi-qiang;YU Xiao;LIU Ji-hong;YE Zhang-qun
Effect of non-restrictive external stent on the expression of platelet-derived growth factor in vein grafts of rabbits
TIAN Xiao-dong;GAO Chang-qing;ZHOU Nai-kang;LI Bo-jun;XIAO Cang-song;LIU Xi;ZHANG Tao
Surgical treatment of superior vena cava syndrome
HAN Zhi-jun;REN Hua;GE Feng;LI Shan-qing;ZHANG Zhi-yong
Two-year follow-up for patients with pre-diabetes that reverted to normal glucose in the first year
LU Yan-hui;LU Ju-ming;WANG Shu-yu;LI Chun-lin;LIU Li-sheng;ZHENG Run-ping;TIAN Hui;WANG Xian-ling;YANG Li-juan;ZHANG Yu-qing;PAN Chang-yu
Diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease-related noncardiac chest pain
ZHENG Juan;DU Zhi-min;CHEN Min-hu;LIN Jin-kun;HU Pin-jin
Alteration of early growth response 1 expression in gastroenterological cancers and its biological significance
AN Juan;GUO Rui-fang;ZHANG Liang;GENG Pai-li;L(U) You-yong
Curative effects of FTQ combined with cisplatin in treatment of advanced gastric cancer: a multi center study
YANG Jun-lan;JIAO Shun-chang;DAI Guang-hai;LI Fang;ZHAO Hong;LI Ying;XU Jian-ming;LIU Wei;ZHANG Yang;NIU Run-gui;XIE Xiao-dong;SONG Shu-ping;ZHANG Feng-chun;LU Hui-shan;WANG Jie
Local resection of pancreatic neoplagms: clinical analysis of 17 cases
QU Hui;WANG Cheng-feng;ZHAO Ping;SHAN Yi;ZHAO Dong-bing
Association of cytokine gene polymorphisms with cachexia related to sporadic female breast cancer
LI Fu-nian;ZHANG Dian-liang;LI Yun-dong;JIANG Gui-mei
Influence of different treatment patterns on cost-effectiveness in treatment of acute myocardial infarction
ZENG Hong-ke;FANG Ming;YE Heng;LAI Xin;CHEN Chun-bo;HE Kai-ran;ZHAN Wei-feng;HUANG Guo-hua;HE Xiao-jun;LU Da-xiang
Genetic types of three community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates
LI Nan;FAN Hong;CHEN Hui-li;YE Yuan-xin;LU Xiao-jun;XIE Yi;YING Bin-wu
Prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coil in pediatric patients in China
WANG Li;YANG Yong-hong;LU Quan;WANG Yi;CHEN Yuan;DENG Li;DENG Qiu-lian;ZHANG Hong;WANG Chuan-qing;LIU Lan;XU Xi-wei;SHEN Xu-zhuang
Tolerance to antibacterial agents: current focus and trend of research
WANG Hui;CHEN Hong-bin