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National Medical Journal of China
2005 Issue 32
eye world ya tai zhong wen ban chuang kan
cai ji ping
niao na zuo dui xin li shuai jie de zhen duan he zhi liao zuo yong
liang zi jing ; fan yan qi
cheng ti shen jing gan xi bao chao
feng dong fu ; lou mei qing ; lu yi cheng
ji xie tong qi guo cheng zhong tu fa ren ji dui kang he fei guo du chong qi yi li qiang jiu ti hui
zhang bo ; liu yi ; peng bo ; liu ying ; fan zai zuo ; wang zhao yuan ; ji shu guo ; gao he
cheng ren zuo gu tou mason xing gu zhe zhi liao jie guo fen xi
zhang jia ; zhang bao zhong ; qiu gui xing ; zhang wan li ; wan xin hai ; xu en chang ; gao peng
dan nang ai zu zhi de hong wai guang pu yan jiu
shi jing sen ; wang jian sheng ; xu zuo zhuang ; zhang li ; duan xiao yi ; sun xue jun ; ren yu ; weng shi fu ; wu jin guang ; xu duan fu
Surgical treatment of the aortic root aneurysm related to Marfan syndrome
ZHENG Si-hong;SUN Yan-qing;MENG Xu;ZHANG Hong;HOU Xiao-tong;WANG Jian-gang;GAO feng
Effects of mechanical stress on expressions of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and interleukin-8 of cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells
ZHANG Xiao-guang;HUI Yan-nian;HAN Quan-hong;HOU Xu;CHEN Li-jun;MA Ji-xian
Formation and hemodynamics of pseudoaneurysm after rupture and bleeding of aneurysm:an experiment with dogs
WANG Qi-hong;MA Lian-ting;WU Zuo-quan;GONG Jian-qiu;DAI Jian-hua;ZHANG Xiao-jun;SHU Feng
Analysis of CCM1 gene mutations in Chinese patients with intracranial cavernous malformations
XIE Rong;CHEN Xian-cheng;FAN Yong-feng;XIA Ying;GAO Liang;LI Xiao-mu
Application of keyhole approach in operation of intracranial aneurysms
ZHOU Yi;AO Xiang-sheng;HUANG Xing;HU Ke-qi;LIU Han-dong;ZHANG Qing-song;XU Ting-wei;CHEN Bin;CAI Li;ZHENG Yu-yuan;LI Chao-xian
Diagnosis and treatment of intracranial hemangiopericytoma
YANG Fei;XU Qi-wu;XIE Rong;GAO Liang
Application and reliability of balloon occlusion test in treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
ZHANG Chao;MAO Ying;LENG Bing;SONG Dong-lei;ZHOU Liang-fu
The efficacy of three different approaches in treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage: a multi-center single-blind study of 2464 patients
ZHAO Ji-zong;ZHOU Ding-biao;ZHOU Liang-fu;WANG Ren-zhi;WANG De-jiang;WANG Shuo;YUAN Ge;KANG Shuai;ZHAO Yuan-li;JI Nan;YE Xun
Clinical decision and information redundancy
ZHANG Jun-xiang
Surgical strategy of intracranial posterior circulation aneurysms
XU Bai-nan;SUN Zheng-hui