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Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
2011 Issue 3
tian shui shi fei jie he huan zhe jie he bing xiang guan zhi shi diao cha fen xi
tan xiao yan ; yan shu ping
A study on indicator system for early-warning on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome epidemic
LU Liang-ping;WANG Li;MA Fen;YANG Bo;ZENG Xian-jia;PAN Li;WAN Kang-lin;LI Hui
xin xi dong tai
Interventional effect of vitamin A supplementation on re-vaccination to hepatitis B virus among rural infants and young children in China
MA Ai-qin;WANG Zhi-xu;SUN Zhong-qing;WANG Zhao-guo;SHEN Yao;ZHONG Chun-mei
Relationship between genetic polymorphism in microRNAs precursor and genetic prediposition of hepatocellular carcinoma
ZHANG Xin-wei;PAN Shan-dong;FENG Yao-liang;LIU Ji-bin;DONG Jing;ZHANG Yi-xin;CHEN Jian-guo;HU Zhi-bin;SHEN Hong-bing
shen zuo shi bu fen lao wu gong jian kang su yang de ying xiang yin su chu tan
zou si mei ; zhuang run sen ; lin de nan ; fang xiao heng ; zhu min zhen ; wu hai qing ; zheng hong zhang
Analysis of risk factors for upper gastrointestinal cancer in China: a multicentric population-based case-control study
CHEN Wan-qing;HE Yu-tong;SUN Xi-bin;WEN Deng-gui;CHEN Zhi-feng;ZHAO De-li
Incidence trends and pathological characteristics of lung cancer in urban Beijing during period of 1998- 2007
WANG Ning;CHEN Wan-qing;ZHU Wei-xing;XING Xiu-mei;LU Ai-ping;YANG Lei
xi ni luo bing du jian ce ji shu yan jiu jin zhan
zuo juan ; xu yun qing ; shi lei
bei jing shi chu zu che quan mian jin yan zheng ce de shi shi ji xiao guo fen xi
liu xiu rong ; li yu qing ; cao yuan ; han mei
qing an hua gai he cheng yao wu dui ren ti hui chong luan mie huo xiao guo de guan cha
yu qing ; jiang wei sheng ; hong xian lin ; guo jia gang
Analyzing the mutations of rpoB gene in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates by probe melting analysis assay
NIU Jian-jun;ZHANG Yi;WEN Hui-xin;LIU Xin;HU Si-yu;LI Qing-ge
Case-control study of the relationship between children\'s moderate-severe asthma and development indicators
WU Xue-jun;HUANG Ying;WANG Ying;GONG Cai-hui
Preliminary study on bacteriodes as the potential fecal contamination indicator bacteria
YANG Jing-yan;CHEN Zhi-jin;DING Xiao-bei;HUANG Wei;YANG Rui-jia;PEI Xiao-fang
Characteristics and the prevalence of respiratory viruses and the correlation with climatic factors of hospitalized children in Suzhou children\'s hospital
JI Wei;CHEN Zheng-rong;GUO Hong-bo;WANG Mei-juan;YAN Yong-dong;ZHANG Xue-lan;DING Yun-fang