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Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides & Equipments
2008 Issue 2
Efficacy of gel bait against Blattella germanica
LI Yan-bo;SU Jun-feng;HU Ya-hua
Determination of allethrin and permethrin in water-based aerosol by HPLC
PAN Hua-wei;YUN Hong-wei
Toxicities of several insecticides on Musca domestica and Blattella germanica
ZHANG Yong-mei;LI Jin-yue
Evaluation on the stability of a gel bait with active ingredient chlorpyrifos against cockroaches
HAN Jin-yi;GAO Ye-cheng;CHEN Zhen;JIANG Hong
Ant repellent screening from terpenoids
ZHENG Wei-qing;JIANG Zhi-kuan;HAN Zhao-jiu;WANG Zong-de;CHEN Chao;JIN Xian-yang
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever and rodents control
WU Guang-hua;JIANG Zhi-kuan
ben xi shi liu xing xing chu xue re su zhu shu diao cha
zhang feng shun ; liu xiao peng ; ren xiao liang ; han jun ; gao dong xu
tian jin zhan zuo zuo fang zhi xiao guo guan cha
wang zai long
xi ning di qu zuo zuo diao cha ji fen xi
ma zhong wen
Investigation on species and nature geographic distribution of ticks in Shaanxi province
yang yin-shu; yang yin shu ; cao jian ; zhao hong bin ; zhang ji jun ; di wu jin xue ; gao xiao li
Molecular cloning and differential expression of a cytochrome P450 gene(CYP6F1) in Culex pipiens pallens
GONG Mao-qing;LIU Bo;HU Xiao-bang;SUN Yan;LI Xiu-lan;MA Lei;ZHU Chang-liang
Studies on faunistic distribution of genus Musca in Hebei province
SHI Jian;ZHAO Bao-gang;LI Wei-bing;CAO Xiu-fen;ZHAO Yong;WANG Su-mei;ZHANG Guo-li;CHANG Mei;LIU Ji-min
Population surveillance of mosquitoes in Zhejiang province in 2006
FU Gui-ming;YANG Tian-ci;REN Zhang-yao
Cost-benefit analysis of schistosomiasis control through comprehensive measures to snail habitats inside embankment
XU Ming-xing;YANG Yan;ZHOU Dun-jin;HUANG Si-xi;ZHANG Zhao-ren;YAO Qun;LUO Hua-tang;HU Shi-quan;WANG Jia-gang;ZHOU Shui-mao;CHENG Zhong-yue;HU Lai-lin
Survey on the monitor and invasion situation of cockroaches in Lanzhou city
LI Guo-tai;JIA Yu-xin;ZHANG Shou-bin;JIANG Hu;WANG Yun;LIU Xu-hong;JIA Hu-biao;ZHOU Jin-li
Rodent density investigation and seasonal dynamics in Wuxi city
SHEN Yu-an;CHEN Ji-ping;MA Yu-lin;DAI Xin
Investigation and analysis on the condition of using pesticide equipments in Changji area of Xinjiang
WEI Jian-hua;CHEN Hai-zhou;LIU Ying-min;HE Chen-yong;YU Jian-xin;GUO Zheng-qiang
bu tong mian liao yao wu chu li dui ji zhong hai chong du xing he can xiao de ying xiang
michaelk faulde; zheng jian ning ; yang ding bo ; huang ke feng
Flies control(2)
JIA De-sheng;WU Guang-hua
pco xing ye ji shu fang an de nei rong he zhuan xie fang fa
shen pei yi
guan yu xin jian fang wu bai yi yu fang cuo shi de si kao
mao wei guang ; ye tian jiang ; mo jian chu
2zhong sha chong ji dui mou yi yuan zuo zuo mie xiao guan cha
liu qiu ju ; sun guo zu
40 li bu tong chang suo mie shu de zuo fa yu xiao guo ji jing yan
shen jian zhong ; qian wan hong ; zheng ; jian