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Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides & Equipments
2005 Issue 6
qing bao xin xi
wu zhi shan li zu yi zhong bo shu gong ju de jian jie
zhao wei
Application of IPM strategy for controlling termites in newly built seawall
SONG Xiao-gang;JI Sheng-hua;RUAN Guan-hua
Development of PCO in railway
LIU Qiang
Developing the practice of PCO surrounding the centre of corporation development
LUO Qi-hua;HUANG Xin-run;YAO Dao-hua
The progress of investigation on Leptoconops kerteszi complex
MI hong-yan;LIU Rong-tang;LIU Zeng-jia
Rodent control technique and efficacy in electrical industry
LAN Xiao-yun;DU Bo-ping;LIU Wei-sen;CHEN Xia-zhu
Control of globose spider beetle in floor board
WANG Zhi-quan;ZHANG Shi-jun;CHEN Yu;ZHANG Ming-jiang
Effect of foam rodenticide in the zoo
SHEN Pei-yi;YANG Hua-lin;WANG Jing;LI Jun-ling;QI Chang-suo;DENG Zhi
Prevention and control of dengue fever and Aedes
WU Guang-hua;JIANG Zhi-kuan;ZHOU Jun
Technological measures for strengthening mosquito killing achievement in Changchun city
Integrated management of bedbug in the army in Shanxi province
di wu jin xue ; yang jian ; wan hai feng ; yang yin shu ; li qiang ; yu lei
Storage pest of importing oxhide
HAN Zhen-chong;LU Ya-juan;YUAN Yuan
Sensitivity of Culex pipiens pallens to two insecticides in Changchun city
MEI Shu-juan;ZHANG Ying
Technological measures for killing cockroaches in Wuxi city
SHEN Yuan;MA Yu-lin;CHEN Ji-ping
Rodent control (5)
SHEN Jian-zhong;WU Guang-hua
Quality control of termite prevention project
Efficacy of siege gel bait against cockroaches
SHI Guang-ming
The family Fanniidae in Hebei province
SHI Jian;GE Shao-qin;ZHANG Guo-li;ZHAO Yong;WANG Su-mei;CHANG Mei;LIU Ji-min;CAO Xiu-fen;ZHAO Bao-gang
Male insect's apd and aed of Leptoconops kerteszi complex
MI Hong-yan;LIU Rong-tang;LIU Zeng-jia
Resistance of mosquito, fly, cockroach to seven insecticides in Zhuji city
REN Zhang-yao;YANG Tian-ci;FU Gui-ming;MAO Sen-hu
Efficacy of mosquito magnet on trapping mosquito
XU Ren-quan;XU Hong;LENG Pei-en;LIU Li-jun;LI Yao-qiang
Composition and efficacy of etofenpros
WANG Tian-tao;ZHANG Ying-kuo;JIANG Zhi-kuan;QIAN Wan-hong
Pesticide distribution density and sedimentation rule in airtight area
tang bo min ; liang jian ; zhang xiu zhen ; qiu bai jing
Development and making use of pest net resources
CHEN Guo-wei;ZHENG Zhi-min
New knowledge of controlling mosquitoes in cities
wu tai ping ; wu feng bo ; bao ji yong ; liang jian sheng ; wang hong ; tian jun hua
Current study situation and development of pesticide online mixing equipment
ZHOU Feng-fang;XU You-lin;ZHOU Hong-ping
Prevention and control of bird flu
TANG Yu-de