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Chinese Journal of Surgery
2015 Issue 6
The challenges faced in the field of trauma care in China
Jiang Baoguo;
Tibiotalar or tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis using the ilizarov technique in the presence of infected nonunions of ankle joints
huang lei ;, wang shen dong ;, zuo xing ;, yang sheng song ;, xia zhi lin ;, zhao gang ;, wang tao ;, wang man yi ;
The clinical value of pancreatic fistula risk predicting system after pancreaticoduodenectomy
Yang Ji;,Huang Qiang;,Lin Xiansheng;,Liu Chenhai;,Hu Jun;,Li Ruiyang;,Wang Chao;
Spatial relation study between the compressed spinal cord and the cervical pedicle
Zhu Naiqiang;,Wang Huan;,Jin Guoxin;,Zhang Lei;
Neurological complications of posterior vertebral column resection for severe rigid congenital spinal deformities
zhang tao ;, tao hui ren ;, huang jing hui ;, li tao ;, shen chao ;, chen bo ;, chen xiang bo ;, yang wei zhou ;, liu ming ;
xin xi dong tai
Results and predictors of long-term outcomes of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: 2831 cases from a single center
liu zuo ;, chen ;, zhao zhou ;, dong sui xin ;, liu gang ;, chen sheng long ;, ling yun peng ;, li hui ;, lian bo ;
Surgical management of infective endocarditis with cerebrovascular complications
Wang Changtian;,Xu Biao;,Zhang Lei;,Wu Haiwei;,Li Zhongdong;,Jing Hua;,Li Demin;
Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation for centrally located renal tumors
yao dong wei ;, qu feng ;, zheng jin yu ;, lian hui bo ;, zhang gu tian ;, li xiao gong ;, gan wei dong ;, guo hong zuo ;
Anterior interhemispheric approach through the lamina terminalis for large intra-and extraventricular craniopharyngiomas
Jiang Jinli;,Zhang Yanyang;,Feng Shiyu;,Bu Bo;,Zhou Tao;,Yu Xinguang;
ying yong dan bian zhong jian wai gu ding jia gu yun shu bing bao liu yuan gang ban zhi liao gu gu gu que sun
huang lei ;, xia zhi lin ;, zuo xing ;, yang sheng song ;, wang man yi ;
gu pen he bing zuo jiu gu zhe yi li
wu xin bao ;
Old fracture
Wu Xinbao;,Jiang Yu;
Diagnosis and treatment of fracture delayed union and nonunion
Liu Jianheng;,Zhang Licheng;,Tang Peifu;
Current treatment and progress of hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus
Li Lei;,Li Zhongchao;,Lu Hong;,Zhao Lei;,Shi Xuetao;
Application and research advances of metabolomics in the field of orthopedics
Sun Zhijian;,Qiu Guixing;,Zhao Yu;