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Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
2016 Issue 5
OveraII Management of Army’s Equipment Resources Under the New System
YU Hongmin;,HUANG Tao;,LYU Weizhen;
RefIection on Concept Derivation and Connotation of Warfighting-oriented Equipment Support Training
WANG Peng;,SONG Huawen;,DAI Heng;,LI Zhongguang;
AnaIysis on the Generation ModeI of Equipment Support CapabiIity Under the New Situation
ZHANG Yongdong;,SHU Zhengping;,LI Zhongguang;,MA Jin;
Requirement Demonstration of Ammunition Support CapabiIity Based on Grounded Theory
YAO Kai;,GUO Shizhen;,WU Xueyan;,FU Xiaozhong;
Equipment MaterieI SuppIy Mode Based on Joint Support
YU Shuangshuang;,WANG Tiening;,LI Ning;,XU Shengliang;
Issues of the PLA’s Weapons and Equipments TransportabiIity and Its Countermeasures
YANG Yongwei;,YU Yirong;,ZHANG Ruipeng;
Researches on Mechanism of Defense Patent DecIassification Based on TechnoIogy Transfer
WU Jian;,ZHENG Shaoyu;,LI Qian;
Competency ModeI of Chief MiIitary Representatives Stationed in Factory
GUO Helei;,ZHAO Yongmei;
NationaI Defense MobiIization Equipments’CIassification and Coding and Its Conversion and Docking
LI Ying;,GU Xianguang;,WANG Hao;,YAO Tao;
RationaI Behaviors of Private Enterprises Entering into Mi I itary Market
JIANG Yujiao;,XIE Wenxiu;,XIAO Zhenhua;
Space-based Information TacticaI AppIication Based on Hand-heId TerminaI
LIAO Yurong;,DING Dan;,CHAI Li;,WANG Pengyun;
Research on ModeI ing of Space-based Information Service Composition Based on Meta-modeI
WANG Shuang;,QIN Daguo;,CHEN Lingyun;
Operation of Unmanned AeriaI VehicIe and InternationaI Laws
ZUO Qinghua;,WU Yanmei;
AnaIysis of the Key Factors That InfIuence the DeveIopment of GNSS ISLs
LI Longlong;,GENG Guotong;
A Remote Command PIotting Method
HAO Liyun;,RAN Da;,DENG Wei;,WU Lingda;
Maturity of Command and ControI CapabiIity Based on Information System
CHEN Dengwei;,ZHANG Yongliang;,ZHAO Guangchao;,DONG Qiang;
Web Service Run-time Monitoring Method Based on Probe
CHEN Liang;,ZOU Peng;,XIONG Dapeng;,WANG Hua;,WANG Peng;
Matrix Sequence Based EvaIuation ModeI for OperationaI Effectiveness of Weapons and Equ i pments
KE Hongfa;,ZHAO Jiguang;,ZHU Jilu;
System CapabiIity AnaIysis and EvaIuation of Information-based Range Based on CompIex Networks
LUO Xiaoming;,ZHU Yanlei;,HE Rong;