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Journal of Otology
2007 Issue 2
congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear-a report of 10 cases
SHEN Wei-dong;HAN Wei-ju;YANG Shi-ming;DAI Pu;LIU Liang-fa;FENG Bo;WANG Jia-ling;ZHOU Qi-you;HAN Dong-yi
neurotransmitter modulation relates with tinnitus signal generation and management
Wei Sun;Jianzhong Lu;Erin Laundrie
bacteriolgy before and after total middle ear reconstruction
XU An-ting;XIA Ming;ZHANG Han-bing;KAGA Kimitaga
adenoma of the middle oar
XIAO Hong-jun;WEI Yong-hao;NIE Xiu
local inhibition mediated by -aminobutyric acid-a receptor and duration tuning in inferior colliculus in guinea pigs
YIN Shan-kai;Chen Zheng-nong;FENG Yan-mei;René van Wijhe;Jian Wang
in vitro differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells into hair cell-like cells in guinea pigs
WANG Ying;DONG Min-min;YANG Hai-bo;GAO Song-tao
gjb2 mutation spectrum in inner mongolia and its comparison with other asian populations
YUAN Yong-yi;DAI Pu;YU Fei;ZHU Xiu-hui;YUAN Hui-jun;HAN Dong-yi;Lee-Jun C. Wong;HUANG De-liang
research advances in post-operative rehabilitation following cochlear implant
LI Yong-xin;LIANG Shuang;HAN De-min
transcervical approach for resection of lateral skull base tumors
LIU Jian-feng;ZHANG Qiu-hang;YANG Da-zhang;QU Qiu-yi