Correlation Between Sleep Status and TCM Constitution Types in Escort Troops
GUO Si-yuan;,HAN Chen-xia;,LI Feng;,MA Jie;,MAO Meng;,SONG Yue-han;,WANG Wei-feng;,WU Feng-zhi;,XIE Ru-qing;,YANG Xi;,YU Xi-cheng;,33,37
Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Myocardial Infarction Evolution in Rats and ;Intervention of Chinese Herbs with Replenishing Qi and Activating Blood
GUO Shu-wen;,HUANG Kun;,HUANG Pei-pei;,QI Xin;,SUN Qing;,WAN Ting;,WU Jia-ni;,YANG Dan-dan;,YANG Pan-chu;,ZHANG Jiu-feng;,ZHANG Lu;,ZHOU Jian-yu;,64,75,80,94,103,107,110,136,118,129