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Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
1992 Issue 2
On The Coherence in Frequency—Domain and Its Investigation in Numerical Computing
Xie Zhengxiang Dou Xiaoming Yang Zhongqin Chen Liangchi Zhang Shiqiang
study of the adult tibial shaft fractures and crashing experiment
Xu Hai-Rong et al;Department of Medical physics;First Military Medical University 510515;Guangzhou;P. R. China
yong li hu qi fei liang tu mtt ji mttp zi dong ce shi
zeng bi xin ; chen shi su ;
The dose calculating method of "One wedge in multiple usage" and its application
wang fang lin ; chen zuo min ;
ZHAO WANG Department of physics;the Fourth Military Medical University
liang zu fen hun he wu de pian mo er ti ji ji ti ji fen liang de jing que ji suan
li yong long ; huang yao xiong ;
The New Method of The Calculation Field Factor
Yang Heli et al Sichuan cancer Hospital & Institute
xin yin fen xi ji yi xue ying yong de fa zhan gai kuang
weng jian ling ; hua yun bo ;
uxing guan ce zheng liu shui biao mian zhang li xi shu
zhang shu san ;
Ultrasonic Density measurement of Liquids
Wu Minghai et al. Shandong Medical University
(Membsane Bioengineering)
shen xia chang ;
yi jing yu lao zi de deng jia yu tong yi yuan li
hua yun bo ; lv you quan ;