Differential signaling regulatory networks governing hormone refractory prostate cancers
Sujit Nair;Celine Liew;Tin Oo Khor;Li Cai;Ah-Ng Kong;Amrita Cancer Discovery Biology Laboratory and Amrita School of Pharmacy;Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University;Ponekkara P.O.;Kochi-682041;Kerala;India;Department of Pharmaceutics;Rutgers;The State University of New Jersey;Piscataway;NJ-08854;USA;Department of Pharmacy;National University of Singapore;Singapore-117543;Republic of Singapore;Department of Biomedical Engineering;Rutgers;The State University of New Jersey;Piscataway;NJ-08854;USA;
Isolation and characterization of cyclic lipopeptides from the marine-derived Bacillus licheniformis
Du Gao;Li Tian;Jian Bai;Minjuan Xu;Lei Feng;Qingying Zhang;Wenhan Lin;State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs;Peking University Health Science Center;The First Institute of Oceanography;State Oceanic Administration;Qingdao University of Science & Technology;Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine;Key Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Instrumental Analysis Center;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
A new proteasome inhibitor YSY-01A induced autophagy in PC-3M cells
Zhe Wang;Xia Yuan;Zemei Ge;Fuxiang Ran;Jun Wu;Runtao Li;Jingrong Cui;State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs;Peking University Health Science Center;Department of Chemical Biology;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Peking University Health Science Center;
Synthetic strategies for piperazine derivatives
Yaya Zhai;Gang Yan;Wenjie Huang;Yan Niu;Fengrong Xu;Lei Liang;Chao Wang;Ping Xu;Department of Medicinal Chemistry;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Peking University Health Science Center;