Association between Wearing Dentures and Risk of Head and Neck Cancer:A Meta-Analysis
CHEN Yong-ji;WU Lan;ZENG Xian-tao;LENG Wei-dong;DENG Dong-lai;HUANG Cui;Department Prosthodontics;School and Hospital of Stomatology;Wuhan University;Department of Stomatology and Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Research;Taihe Hospital;Hubei University of Medicine;Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine;Zhongnan Hospital;Wuhan University;Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine;Wuhan University;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Basic Science of Stomatology & Key Laboratory for Oral Biomedical Ministry of Education;School and Hospital of Stomatology;Wuhan University;
Survey on the Reporting of Evidence Search Strategies in Clinical Practice Guidelines in China
LI Nan;YAO liang;WANG Qi;SUN Li-na;YUAN Bo;WANG Xiao-qin;WU Qiong-fang;WEI Dang;CHEN Yao-long;YANG Ke-hu;First Clinical Medical School;Lanzhou University;Key Laboratory of Evidence-based Medicine and Knowledge Translation of Gansu Province;Evidence-based Medicine Center;School of Basic Medical Sciences;Lanzhou University;Chinese GRADE Center;Lanzhou University;School of Stomatology;Lanzhou University;
Implement Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Tests Using mada Package of R
LI Sheng;ZHANG Chao;TAO Hua;YAN Jin-zhu;WENG Hong;ZENG Xian-tao;Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine;Zhongnan Hospital;Wuhan University;Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine;Wuhan University;Department of Urology;Zhongnan Hospital;Wuhan University;Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Research;Taihe Hospital;Hubei University of Medicine;Management Office for Medical Research and Education;Zhengzhou Second Hospital;Clinical Research and Evaluation Unit;Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center;West China Hospital;Sichuan University;