Surgical Outcomes of Supracardiac Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection in 132 Patients
GE Tong-kai;OU Yan-qiu;DING Yi-qun;NIE Zhi-qiang;LIU Xiao-qing;WEN Shu-sheng;CEN Jian-zheng;LUO Dan-dong;CHEN Ji-mei;Department of Cardiac Surgery;Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute;Guangdong General Hospital;Guangdong Academic of Medical Sciences;Epidemiological Research Office;Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute;Guangdong General Hospital;Guangdong Academic of Medical Sciences;
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules
XI Xiao-xiang;Lü Bi-hong;HE Guang-ming;HE Jian-ming;CHEN Rui;YE Ting;LUAN Cui-fang;Department of Thoracic Surgery;Taixing People’s Hospital;Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Yangzhou University;Department of Clinical Laboratory;Taixing People’s Hospital;Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Yangzhou University;