Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets with Dysprosium Hydride Addition
Xiang Lijun;P.J McGuiness;Robin Stuart Mottram;Yan Aru;Hu Boping;Yan Gaolin;School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;Department for Nanostructured Materials;Jozef Stefan Institute;School of Metallurgy and Materials;University of Birmingham;Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering;Chinese Academy of Science;Beijing Zhongke Sanhuan Hi-tech Co.;Ltd.;
Effect of La(NO3)3 on Root Growth of Amygdalus Pedunculata Pall.
Guo Lizhu;Chen Bang;Zhou Pan;He Wei;Fan Penghui;Guo Bin;Wei Yahui;Shen Yehua;Li Cong;Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China;Ministry of Education;Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Biotechnology;College of Life Science;Northwest University;