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Journal of Rare Earths
2013 Issue 9
Preparation of SiO2 coated Ce2S3 red pigment with improved thermal stability
CHEN Guanhong;ZHU Zhenfeng;LIU Hui;WU Yingfeng;ZHU Chunkui;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shaanxi University of Science and Technology;
Structural analysis by Rietveld refinement of calcium and lanthanum phosphosilicate apatites
Hela Njema;Khaled Boughzala;Habib Boughzala;Khaled Bouzouita;Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry;National School of Engineering of Sfax;Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Monastir;Laboratory of Materials and Crystallochemistry;Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Nabeul;
synthesis and luminescence properties of a novel phosphor ca2 x/2si1 xpxo4:eu2+for near uv-excited white-light-emitting diodes
ZI Wenwen;CUI Tianjie;YU Hong;LI Linlin;GAN Shucai;XU Xuechun;College of Chemistry;Jilin University;College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;
synthesis and luminescent properties of eu3+doped y2wo6 nanophosphors
HAO Ruonan;MENG Qingyu;LIU Wei;LIU Hongling;Key Laboratory for Photonic and Electronic Bandgap Materials;Ministry of Education;School of Physics & Electronic Engineering;Harbin Normal University;
Structure and heat capacity of the NaCeF4 compound
Virgil Constantin;Ana-Maria Popescu;"Ilie Murgulescu" Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy;Splaiul Independentei 202 st.;060021;Bucharest;Romania;
Impedance spectroscopy analysis of CeNbO4.25
LI Qin;WANG Jinling;ZHANG Guoguang;School of Materials Science and Technology;Nanchang Hangkong University;
Effect of alkali metal oxides R2O (R=Na,K) on 1.53 μm luminescence of Er3+-doped Ga2O3-GeO2 glasses for optical amplification
ZHAO Yinggang;SHI Dongmei;Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology;
Effect of impurity ions on preparation of novel saponifier for rare earth extraction
XIAO Yanfei;FENG Zongyu;HUANG Xiaowei;HUANG Li;XU Yang;HOU Yongke;WANG Meng;National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials;General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Grirem Advanced Materials Co.;Ltd.;
Na2BaMg(PO42:synthesis, crystal structure and europium photoluminescence properties
Amal Boukhris;Mourad Hidouri;Benoit Glorieux;Mongi Ben Amara;UR:Inorganic Materials;Faculty of Science;University of Monastir;Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux;CNRS;University of Bordeaux I;87;Avenue of Dr.A.Schweitzer;33608 Pessac-Cedex;France;
Lanthanum and boron co-doped BiVO4 with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity for degradation of methyl orange
WANG Min;CHE Yinsheng;NIU Chao;DANG Mingyan;DONG Duo;College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering;Shenyang Ligong University;
Up-conversion of Er3+/Yb3+co-doped transparent glass-ceramics containing Ba2LaF7 nanocrystals
Ho Kim Dan;ZHOU Dacheng;Wang Rongfei;Tran Minh Hau;JIAO Qing;YU Xue;QIU Jianbei;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Department of Research Admini stration and International Relations;Tuyhoa Industrial College;
Modification of eutectic silicon and β-Al5FeSi phases in as-cast ADC12 alloys by using samarium addition
RAO Yuansheng;YAN Hong;HU Zhi;Institute of Advanced Forming;Nanchang University;Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Advanced Copper and Tungsten Materials;Jiangxi Academy of Sciences;
effects of ti-ce refiners on solidification structure and hot ductility of fe-36ni invar alloy
YU Yanchong;CHEN Weiqing;ZHENG Hongguang;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy;School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Metallurgical Process Department;Baosteel Research Institute;
Effects of praseodymium doping on thermoelectric transport properties of CaMnO3 compound system
ZHANG Feipeng;NIU Baocheng;ZHANG Kunshu;ZHANG Xin;LU Qingmei;ZHANG Jiuxing;Institute of Physics;Henan University of Urban Construction;Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials;Chinese Ministry of Education;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Magnetooptics of non-Kramers Eu3+ ions in garnets:analysis complemented by crystal-field splitting modeling calculations
Uygun V.Valiev;John B.Gruber;Anvar K.Mukhammadiev;Vasiliy O.Pelenovich;FU Dejun;Gary W.Burdick;Faculty of Physics;National University of Uzbekistan;Department of Physics and Astronomy;The University of Texas at San Antonio;School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;Department of Physics;Andrews University;