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China Shiprepair
2006 Issue 1
Shot peening and the selective application of air compressor (IV)
ying ge suo lan ( zhong guo ) tou zi you xian gong si
Research on the method of warship modeling on warship maintenance virtual training platform
Zhu Xiao-jun;Peng Fei;Liu Shi-jian
Developing methods of warship all-fiber oscillation monitoring system
Cui Guo-you;Li Meng-liang;Jia BO
Repair of the hatch cover hydraulic cylinder of "SPAR EIGHT"
Wu Si-chuan;Xu Rong;ZHOU Min
Applying LOGO I reconstructing control circuit of ship pump
Design and application of heater by heat content in exhaust gas
ZHANG Qing-ju;ZHU Bao-jiang
Analysis and treatment to oil separator's leakage
HUANG Wan-neng
The management research of large-scale ships operation cost budget
MENG Fan-sheng;ZHAO Ai-jun