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Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
1996 Issue 3
Orthogonal Regression Models for Comparision ofUnepually- Spaced Repeated Measures Data AcrossGroups
Chen Changsheng;et al.;Department ofHealth. Statistics;The Fourth Military MedicalUniversity;Xi’an)For comparision of unequally -- spaced repeated measuresacross groups;this paper proposed a statistical method to buildup orthogonal polynomials regressio
The Calculations of Exact Probalility For Rank Corre-lations
Su Binghua;He Qingbo Presented in this paper tire the calculations of exact prolyability for tests about rank correlation;including Spearmanrank correlation coefficient rs;Kendall rank
The Evaluation on Diagnostic Effect of DiscriminantModels by ROC Anaysis.
Li Kang;ROC analysis has beenrecognized to be an important method in evaluating diagnostictest. In this artical;the essential content of ROC analysis wass
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis For Maternal Prenatcl Examination Program
Lin Aihua;et al. The method of cost--effctiveness analysis for maternalprenatal examination was studied through the comparision among different programmatic groups in terms of the incremental cos
Identification of Blood -- Glucose Regulation System
Tang Zhongliu;The model of bolld -- glucose regulation system could beproperly improved by using system identification . The glucosetolerance tests for 20 cases were carried out. The calculationexpended that the improve
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Yun Zhenxian;Some conditions of test of normality by means of methodof moment should be demanded;which suppose H0 is true andthe distributions of g1 and g2 are approxrmiately n
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
mou mei kuang li chen kuang gong chen fei fa bing qu shi yu ce de yan jiu
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Combined Treatment of Malignant Meningioma
Combined Treatment of Malignant Meningioma
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Identification of Blood -- Glucose Regulation System
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality
Validity of Moment Method on Testing for Normality