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Chinese Health Service Management
2001 Issue 6
Development of Chinese Patent Drug in Chongqing
zuo wei
Several Key Issues in Health Information
yang shan fa ; wang de bin ; shen min xiang ; ding hong
xin shi ji de pan zhi hua shi zhong xin yi yuan
li xing you ; dong rui qing ; zhang shi zhou
Thinking of Work Model of Center for Disease Prevention and Control
sun bi ying ; xu zuo
Study of Method of Working out Standard of Allocation of Health Resources
gao jian min ; wang xiao he ; chen jin hong ; wu xin an ; zhang shu rui ; liu wei
Discussion on Controlling Hospital with Law and Controlling Hospital with Moral
song mao yin ; jiang wei mao ; cheng le sen
Discussion on Primary Principles of Health Administrative Hold Court
cong zuo ; feng zhi qin ; li zhong guo ; ju yu juan
Situation of Medical Institutions in Enterprises and Reform
gao wei jun ; wang shu de
Causes of Dissension and Countermeasures
xiao jin zuo ; yang qiao lan
zhong guo liu dong ren kou yu hiv aids
lin jian ping
yi liao jiu fen de cheng yin fen xi yu ji ben dui ce
wei hui de
Study of Appraisal of Hospital Comprehensive Competence by Self-positioning with Subunit at Same Classification and Same Level
wang jian kang ; cai zhong jun ; deng chuan fu ; liu xi hua ; li xiao long ; shang bin
Thinking of Assessment of Quantified Post to Medical Personnel
zhang jin quan ; huang mei juan
Reforming System of Prevention and Health Care in Rural Area to Optimize Allocation of Medical and Preventive Resources
chen yun ying ; luo jun sheng ; zhang zheng wei ; yang shun fu ; tang ling fu ; long you peng ; yi fa chao
Chinese Floating Population and HIV/AIDS
zheng qing si ;a.anderson; dong hui jie ; zhuang guang xiu ; xu hua
Analysis of Residents' Medical Expense and Patients' Flow Direction in Kunming
yin wen qiang ; jiang run sheng ; qi bing xian ; zhang mao zuo
Discussion on Controlling Hospital with Moral
wu xiao zuo
Implementing Stereo Affecting Strategy of Spirit Cultural to Push forward Health Reform
zhao chuan sheng ; zhao jin shun ; zhang hong cai
Discussion on Model of Community Health Service in Urban Area
ni sai nan
Discussion on Continue Medical Education and Management in the New Century
li zuo ; shi jun ; chen ya qiu
Analysis of Basic Situation of Natural Science Fund and Management in Our College
deng ling yan ; deng ke gang ; ji yu lin ; li you ping