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Journal of Image and Graphics
2008 Issue 10
Lossless Visible Watermark with Smooth Visual Appearance
LI Qian;WANG Shuo-zhong;JIN Qiu-ming;ZHANG Xin-peng
The Research and Realization of Vehicle Digital Standard Infosource in Public Security Road Traffic Management
ZHAO Yu-liang;ZHAO Zheng-de;YANG Li-chao;ZHANG Hui
Invaders Detection for Surveillance Video of Airport Luggage Delivery
SONG Yuan-zheng;ZHANG Wen-qiang;LU Hong;LIU Ti;XIE Ding-xing
Text Encryption Technique Based on Robust Image Watermarking
SUN Qiu-dong;MA Wen-xin;YAN Wen-ying;DAI Hong
Multi-camera Calibration Based on Multi-view Registration Algorithm
MI Tao;AN Ping;LIU Su-xing;ZHANG Zhao-yang
A Video Watermarking Scheme Based on the Region Character of Motion Vectors
ZHENG Zhen-dong;WANG Pei;CHEN sheng
Security Research of OTA (Over the Air)System
TAO Hong-fei;ZHAO Zheng-de;WANG Wen
Optimizing Image Blind Watermarking Using Genetic Algorithm
Fang Zhi-jun;Luo Gui-hua;Li Run-wu;Tan Liang
An End-to-end Congestion Control Strategy for Streaming Media Based on TCPW
JIN Chong-kui;WANG Jia;SONG Li
Mobile Video Surveillance System on 3G Network
WEN En-you;ZHAO Zheng-de;YANG Li-chao;ZHANG Wei
A Smart Displaying Scheme for Real-time Football Video on Portable Devices
YAN Hong-bo;LIU Zhi;ZHANG Zhao-yang
Watermark Detection of Vector Curves Using SVM Classification Fusion Method
CHEN Huan;SUN Guang-ling
Micro-doppler Detection and Estimation Based on DTV Broadcasting Signals
CAI Miao-hong;He Feng;WU Le-nan
Image Threshold Detection and Granularity Analysis Algorithm Based on FLOM
HU Xue-long;WANG Zhi-jian
Pedestrian Detection Using Spatial Histograms of Oriented Gradients
SUN Yun;LIU Fu-qiang;LI Zhi-peng
An Improved SROD Blotch Detection Method in Old Film
LONG Zhen-xing;XU Jin;YU Song-yu;CHEN Li
Fixed-point Implementation of LS9/7 DWT
DU Lie-bo;XIAO Xue-min;LU Qin;LUO Wu-sheng
A FCM Based Image Segmentation Algorithm using Multi-color Components
BU Juan;WANG Xiang-yang;SUN Yi-feng
Image Segmentation Based on Bivariate Models in NSCT Domain
XIANG Hai-lin;JIAO Li-cheng;JIA Jian
High Performance SVM Classification Based on Kernel Transformation
BI De-xue;YU De-min;XU Zeng-pu
Study on the Adaptive Search-range Algorithm of UMHexagonS
CHAI Jun-hua;YING Jun
An Efficient Fingerprint Extract Algorithm Based on Effective Area Capturing
FENG Tao;ZHANG Shi-wei;LIU Qi-zhen
Improved EOH Based Pedestrian Detection
ZHOU Qian-hao;QI Fei-hu
Object Tracking Method Based on Block Motion Estimation
YAN Xiao-ling;LIANG Bo;ZENG Gui-hua
Tracking Multiple Objects Method Based on Harris Corner Sampling
LIU Chuang;GONG Sheng-rong;CUI Zhi-ming;LIU Chun-ping;XIAHOU Yu-jiao
Small Target Detection Based on Method Energy Accumulation and Mean Shift Clustering in Infrared Image
ZHAO Jing-jing;CHEN Hai-xin;LIU Xing-tong
An Algorithm for Face Recognition Based on SIFT Descriptor
ZHOU Zhi-ming;YU Song-yu;ZHANG Rui;YANG Xiao-kang
Visual Attention Based Image Classification
SONG Yan-lan;ZHANG Rui;ZHI Cheng;YANG Xiao-kang;CHEN Er-kang
Image Semantic Concept Detection Based on Local Color-spatial Feature
LIU Jie-min;YAO Yu;ZHANG Rui;YANG Xiao-kang
Analysis of the Image Transition Region Processing Based on Local Complexity
FENG Tao;ZHOU Zuan;LIU Qi-zhen
2D + time Representation of Pedestrian Contour Based MDL Shape Model and EFD
WANG Shao-yu;QI Fei-hu;XIA Xiao-ling
Rice Information Extraction Based on Dual Polarized ASAR Data
CHEN Heng-lin
Statistical Features for Universal Steganalysis on Color Images
SUN Wen-yong;LIU Ting-ting;ZHANG Xin-peng;WANG Shuo-zhong
Steganalysis using OC-SVM with Multi Hyper-spheres Based on FCM
DAI Meng;LIN Jia-jun;LIU Yun-xiang
The Patch Download Mechanism Studied on USIM Card
ZHAO Zheng-de;TAO Hong-fei;CHEN Xia-ping
Providing Quality Affordable Time-shifting Services in Live IPTV Systems
SHEN Tao;CHEN Yin-yin;WU Zi-yun
A Watermark Algorithm with Constant Robustness and Trellis Codes
FAN Xiao-hua;XIAO Jun;WANG Ying
STB Based Scalable Information Publication System
CHEN Da;LIU Xin;YE De-jian
Motion Segmentation Using Characteristic Description for H. 264 Compressed Video
LU Yu;ZHANG Zhao-yang;LIU Zhi;HAN Zhong-min
3D Human Motion Recognition Method Based on Ensemble Learning in Subspace
XIANG Jian;YE Lv;ZHU Hong-Li
Algorithm for Frame Rate up Conversion Based on Adaptive Bilateral Motion Estimation
LI Li;HOU Zheng-xin;WANG Cheng-you;SONG Jin
An Improved Rate Control Algorithm for the Basic-unit Layer Encoder
XIA Ding-yuan;LU Shan;WU Tong
3D Contexts-based Predictive Lossless-Coding for Hyperspectral Images
NIAN Yong-jian;SU Ling-hua;SUN Lei;WAN Jian-wei
Design of a Macroblock Level Inverse Transform IP Core for H. 264/AVC
ZHANG Yi-lin;XU Xiong;YANG Yu-hong
Fast Intra-prediction Mode Selection Algorithm for H. 264
ZHANG Jiang-xin;FENG Ming
A Method for Geometric Construction of Low-density Parity-check Codes
WANG Xiao-guang;LONG Hu-qiang;ZHANG Luo-Ming;GONG Liang
Semantic Analysis of Soccer Video Using Model of Visual Attention and HMM
YU Zhou;ZHANG Rui;YANG Xiao-kang
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Edge Histogram in HSV Color Space
YANG Hong-ying;WU Jun-feng;YU Yong-jian;WANG Xiang-yang
Perceptual Similarity Metric for Application to Robust Image Hashing
TANG Zhen-jun;WANG Shuo-zhong;WEI Wei-min;SU Sheng-jun
An Improved Algorithm of Restoring Image Based on Hamming Error-correcting Codes
Stereo Video Object Segmentation Based on Compressed Domain Information
ZHANG Qian;ZHANG Zhao-yang;AN Ping
A New Fast Search Algorithm Based on Wavelet Domain
FEI Feng-chang;FANG Zhi-jun
Design and Implementation of Semantic Concept Based Video Retrieval System
LIU An-wen;ZHI Cheng;ZHANG Rui;SHENG Xiao-jie;YANG Xiao-kang
Improved 3D AAMs for Facial Recognition Based CIS 3D Facial Imaging
ZHAN Shu;CHANG Hong;JIANG Jian-guo;Ando S