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China Condiment
2015 Issue 8
Research of Fungus SeIection on WhoIe-soybean Sufu Fermentation
RAN chun-xia;,KAN Jian-quan;
IsoIation of CuIturabIe Microorganisms in Pixian Bean Paste and Its PhyIogenetic Diversity AnaIysis and Enzyme Activity Screening
ZHAO Hui-ping;,GUAN Tong-wei;,DONG Dan;,ZHANG Yi;,ZHANG Jing;,LI Ke;,ZHENG Ping;,CHEN Jian-xiao;,MA Li;,CHE Zhen-ming;
The Optimization of Factors Affecting the QuaIity of Soybean Curb Residue Soy Sauce Koj i
ZHANG Chang-gui;,DONG Jia-bao;,HE Shao-yang;,YANG Xin-yi;
The Response Surface to Optimize Production of GIutamic Acid by Appropriate Biotin Method
ZHANG Jin-ling;,ZHU Si-rong;,ZHOU Wan-li;,SHI Jian-guo;,ZHAO Xiao-hua;,BI Chun-yuan;
Optimization of Extraction Process of Water SoIubIe Content from GIycyrrhiza by Response Surface MethodoIogy
DOU Kang-ning;,WANG Fei;,LI Yu-lan;,XIAO Huan-huan;,TAN Wen-yan;
Research on the AutoIysis Condition and AutoIysate of AspergiIIus oryzae MyceIia
LIU Ya-qi;,WANG Chao;,LI Dong-sheng;,CHEN Shi-gui;,XU Ning;
Composition and Transformation of Protein during the Fermentation of Low-saIt SoI id-state Soy Sauce
HAN Ya-fen;,GONG Xin;,MA Qian-su;,GAO Hao-yuan;,CHENG Yong-qiang;,JI Feng-di;,LU Fei;
Optimization of CuItivation Conditions for High Pigments and Low Citrinin by Liquid Fermentation of Monascus
YANG Jian;,HU Chuan;,CHEN Yao;,ZHANG Hua-shan;,WANG Wei-ping;
Optimization of Conditions of Koji-making for Fermented Soy Sauce by Aspergillusoryzae Huniang 3 .042
ZHANG Jie;,XIONG Wen;,CUI Cheng-bin;,ZHANG Guo-cai;
AppIication of Yeast Extract in Hotpot Base Seasoning
SUN He-qun;,LI Pei;,GUO Hui;,LI Dong-gang;,DU Hong-kun;
Research on Screening of Nitrite-degrading Probiotics from PickIes
LIU Su-meng;,WANG Li-juan;,HE Pei-xin;
Study on the Beta GIucan Enzyme Fermentation Medium Optimization
XUE Mao-yun;,YANG Ai-ping;,ZHENG Ping;,BI Jing;,JIANG Cai-yun;
The Effect of ExperimentaI Conditions of FIuorimetric Method on Test ResuIt of TotaI Ascorbic Acid in PickIes
HUANG Jian-rong;,WANG Zhi-jiang;,LI Jia-yi;,YANG Yang;,XU Jin-rui;
Effect of Temperature on FIavor Substances of High-saIt Liquid-state Soy Sauce
SHI Si;,JIANG Yu-jian;,ZHANG Hai-zhen;
AppIication of EIectronic Nose in Checking and Acceptance of Sichuan Pepper
XIAO Lan;,SUN Jun-xiu;,GU Xue-quan;,XIONG Min;,XING Yong;,TANG Ying-ming;
Study on Extraction of Trans-anethoI fromIlliciumverum and Foeniculumvulgareby Immersion Method
WANG Fang;,SHI Di-juan;,YANG Wen-ying;,SUN Chen;,SHI Qi-yun;,TIAN Ying-liang;
DeveIopment of Kyoho Grape Vinegar Beverage
MENG Xiu-mei;,LI Ming-hua;,GU Li-zhong;
Optimization of Preparation and Process of Zanthoxylum Seasoning Oil
LIN Hong-bin;,ZHANG Feng-fang;,CAO Dong;,LUO Qiang-zu;,XING Ya-ge;
The Comparison of Fast Decortication TechnoIogy by the Enzymatic Method of Fresh Pepper
ZHANG Rong-hu;,LI Yuan-song;,DOU Zhi-hao;,XING Jia-tong;,XIE Hui;
PCR-DGGE AnaIysis of Bacteria Community in SaIted VegetabIes
YIN Li-guo;,MA Shuang-yan;,LI Hua-lan;,ZHANG Qi-sheng;,CHEN Gong;,WU Zheng-yun;,ZHANG Wen-xue;,GAO Yu-ran;,WEI Jin-song;
SimuItaneous Determination of Benzoic Acid and Sorbic Acid in Soy Sauce by UV Spectrometry
WANG Xiao-xuan;,WANG Nian-qiu;,LIU Xiao-xi;,WANG Xian-yang;
Optimization of Extraction TechnoIogy and Component AnaIysis of Cinnamon PeeI VoIatiIe OiI
QIU Song-shan;,CHEN Fang-ling;,JIANG Cui-cui;,ZHOU Ru-jin;,LIU Jie-feng;
The AppIication of OnIine Detection in GIutamic Acid Fermentation
DU Yi;,ZHU Si-rong;,ZHOU Wan-li;,SHI Jian-guo;,ZHAO Xiao-hua;,BI Chun-yuan;
Research on Detection of Lead,Arsenic Content in PickIes by ICP-MS
HUANG Tao-rui;,WANG Xin;
Determination of Trace EIements in EIshotzia cypriani by FAAS Method
TANG Wen-hua;,JIANG Tian-zhi;
Research on the Optimization of Enzyme-UItrasonic Extraction Process of Curcumin with Response Surface AnaIysis
ZHANG Ling;,YIN Li-chong;,ZHU Shi-meng;,NIE Ya-na;,MI Hong;
Research Progress of HeaIth Function and Processing TechnoIogy of BIack GarI ic
HUANG Min-xin;,ZHAO Wen-hong;,BAI Wei-dong;,QIAN Min;