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Studies on the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
2011 Issue S2
The Characteristics of the Extended Metropolitan Region and Its Development Strategy
Victor F.S.SIT;Professor and Director of ACCS;Hong Kong Baptist University
Criteria for Identifying China’s City Cluster Space
Fang Chuanglin;Research Fellow; Head of Research Section of Urban Geography and Development;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Criteria in Determining the Boundaries for an Inner Zone and an Outer Zone in Mega-cities
Gavin Jones:Professor at the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore;Head of Division of Demography and Sociology; Research School of Social Sciences; Australian National University
City Clusters Formed within a Provincial-Level Administrative Region
Zhu Limeng;Research Fellow with the Academy of Economic and Social Development and Director of the Institute of Regional Economic Studies; Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Contributions Invited for the English Edition of the Journal Studies on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Studies on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Editorial Office
Balancing Rural and Urban Development:An Overview
Xiong Xiaolin