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Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
2006 Issue 3
Problems of ASSR in clinical application
LI Xingqi;YU Hong;CAO Xiaoping;LU Yunyun;WANG Rong
The role of paediatric subjective audiometry in pre-operative evaluation and post-operative habilitation in cochlear implantation for children
LIU Sha;CHEN Xueqing;KONG Ying;XU Shi'ang;LV Jing;ZHANG Ning;BIAN Qian
Analysis on the reasons of false positive rate of hearing screeing for 2298 newborns
CHEN Zhihui;WANG Qiuju;LAN Lan;DING Haina;YU Liming
Influence of antenatal sound stimulation on the auditory sensitivity of neonates
SUN Caibo;LIU Liqin;LIU Xinyi;LI Dajian;ZHANG Endong;LIU Yan;XUE Lingjun
A clinical study on the effectiveness of SpeechEasy on reducing stuttering
YANG Li;JIANG Tao;LI Wanrong;WANG Yubing;QIAN Li
Clinical application of ASSR
Clinical application of DR in improving the ability of oral-motor for hearing-impaired children
WAN Ping;HUANG Zhaoming;DU Xiaoxin;CHEN Qian
Guidance of language learning for hearing-impaired children in Japan
Yoshisato Tanaka;NIU Fenglan;CHEN Zhensheng
Advances of hearing aid fitting technology-Open Fitting
FENG Dingxiang
Fitting strategies for frequency transpositional heaaring aids
WANG Chao;LAN Guozan
Application of frequency transpositional hearing aids on patients with profound hearing loss
TU Liqiang;QIU Yi;CHEN Juxiang;LU Weiwei
Constructivist theories of learning