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Edible Fungi of China
2002 Issue 2
ling zhi
yun nan shou li wang luo qin quan an shi mo
cha ying ; jin dong
Several strange news of mycologists
zuo mu
Fermentation Study and Animal Immunity Abservation of Poria cocos
wang qian ; ji hong ; ding wan jie ; zhu chao hui ; wang hong ; huo hong ; gu ya jun
A Study on Liquid Fermentation Trial of Lactarius hatsudake
li wen yi ; chen xian yu
The relations among reducing sugar,pH,dry weight of mycelium and production during the liquid fermentation of Marasmius androsaceus
li xue mei ; li yong fang ; li pei zuo ; cheng yan wei ; li zong yi
The Numbers of Mushnoom Species
zhang shu ting
A Survey of Cordyceps sinesis Research
dong hong xin ; lv zuo zhou
Effect of diffeent substrate on the mycelia of Grifola frondosa
cheng yan li ; sun jun de ; hua xiu ying ; cheng xi lei
A Study on the Effect of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Mycelium Germination of Two Edable Basidiomycetes
guo jia xuan ; shen yuan yue ; zhong yang he ; gu gui fen
The hypogeous macrofungi of China
liu bo ; liu yin hua ; liu zuo hua
Creolophus,A Genus New To China
wang qing bin ; liu pei gui
New Technique for growing Plieurotus nebrodensis
zhang hong wei
nan ping shi shi yong jun chan ye fa zhan dui ce chu tan
yan zhen lan
shuang zuo mo gu gao xiao zai pei xin ji shu
yuan jian sheng ; shi chao min ; yuan xi ying ; lei zuo ; miao xiao hong ; yuan jian yong
dai zai hei mu er you zhi gao chan zai pei ji shu
lv ming liang ; ying guo hua ; zhang hai juan ; liu de yun
ji tui gu gao chan zai pei ji shu
wang shu xiang
zhe zha zai pei xing bao gu
chen you jing ; ye xian
dai zai xiang gu fang wu ran xin ji shu
yang fa guo
dong chong xia cao de zhen wei yu zai pei
sun zuo ; wang wan qun
The relation to polysaccharide active and structure of edible and pharmaceutical fungi
du wei ; li yuan rui ; yuan jing
Studies of Technology of Isolation and Purification of Lentinan
wang wei guo ; zhao yong liang ; han shan bao
yang du jun ren gong yu ye sheng ying yang cheng fen hua yan bi jiao
zhu dou xi ; he rong hua
Research of conditions on protoplast isolation of Pholiota nameko
wang zuo wu ; yu yan chun ; li yu
bu tong ji tui mo pin zhong dui mei jun kang nai neng li de ce ding yu fen xi
bao zeng hai ; ma gui zhen