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Neuroscience Bulletin
2000 Issue 1
shu ping
fan ming
di yi jiang shen jing xi tong de fen zi jie po xue
jiang chun lei ; chen yi zhang
tourette zong he zheng yu duo ba an
xu wei
kong ju yu xing ren he
xu wei
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and neuronal apoptosis
PI Rong-biao;YAN Guang-mei
An application of noninvasive magnetic stimulation technique to nerve center
LIU Hong-guang;ZHOU Lin;WANG Yi;SHEN Qiang;JIANG Da-zong
Comments and introduction on the establishment of rat model of Parkinson's disease
LIANG Xi-bin;ZHOU Yu;XIE Jun-xia;WNHG Xiao-min
Monamine transmitter contents in habenula of the female rats with defferent levels of sex steroid
MA Li-na;WANG Hua;LI Hong;HUANG Min;WANG Shao
The effect of nitric oxide on modulation of pain in central nervous system of rats
BAI Bo;LIU Wen-yan;SONG Chao-you
Benzamide prevents glioma cell line from apoptosis induced by MNNG
LI Gang;WANG Jin-huan;CAI Bao-li;SHI Guo-li
Inhibitory effect of ethanol on the evoked potential of neurons in nucleus accum bens in rats
ZHU Wei;ZHU Xue-jiang;YUAN Xiao-ru
The dynamic alterations of NMDA receptor subunit 1 mRNA in rat cerebral cortex a nd hippocampus of seizure rats induced by coraria lactone
WANG Qun;RUAN Xu-zhong;SHI Ting-hui;ZHANG Su-ming;ZHU Chang-geng
A preliminary report on the isolation of differentially expressed cDNAs from the brain of morphine-dependent rats with SSH
CUI Zhen-zhong;LIANG De-yong;WANG Bin;JIN Lei;LUO Fei;WANG Xiao-min;HAN Ji-sheng
Effect of oxytocin on the somatic membrane of rat DRG neurons
SI Jun-qiang;XIE Jing;ZHAO Yi-mei;ZHANG Zhi-qin;XI Jian-hui;QI Lin;XU Hui