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Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Scineces Edition)
2007 Issue 4
"Credibility" of Era Connotation in Modern China
YAN Xue-mei
Audit Risk and Its Control
LI Chun
The Right to Health of the Poor's Economics
XIONG Hui-ping
Status Quo of Sino-Indian Trade Relation
On Crime of Illegal Harvesting Body Organs
ZHANG Ting;ZHENG Xiao-jun
Writ in Compulsory Detection
YU Fei
Law Study on Limitation of Freedom of Testament
YANG Huan;TAO Zhong-tailang
Recent Research on Responsible Government
LUO Da-ming;PU Yan-ling
Eight Essential Relations in the Peaceful Rise of China
ZHANG Jun;CAI Wen-qin
Yunnan Salt Tax and Local Finance in Modem China
ZHAO Xiao-ping
A Century Development of Freedom of Japanese Press
WEI Xiao-yang
The Grateful Education for Teenagers in the Socialist Harmonious Society
HU Mao-xin;ZHAO Hua-peng;GAO Feng
Status Quo and Countermeasures of Aesthetic Education in Colleges of Areas of Ethnic Groups
ZHOU Jin-he;YANG Li-ping;ZHANG Wei;JI Jian-hua;WU Jiang;ZHANG Jun-zhi;LI Jin
Philosophical Connotation and Value of Chemical Development History
ZHOU Guo-yua;CHENG Shui-ming
Analysis of Newton's Concept of Hypothesis
WANG Chuan-sheng
Facsimile of Culture in Translation
HU Xiao-jia
Research on the Use of Hedges in Business English
LIAO Guo-qiang